Faculty Governance and Academic Policies Committee

COMMITTEE CHARGE The purposes of this committee are to review the Faculty Bylaws every three (3) years, review other policies and procedures related to faculty governance as necessary, make recommendations to the Faculty and Provost; and to review academic policies and make recommendations to the Senate for action.

MEETING SCHEDULE The Faculty Governance and Academic Policies Committee will meet on the predetermined dates for committee meetings prescribed by the Standing Academic Calendar. These typically fall on the first Friday of the month during the months that the Senate or the Faculty as a whole does not meet. Other meetings will be scheduled as necessary to conduct business.

RESPONSIBILITY OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Committee members are responsible for reviewing and remaining current with the Faculty Bylaws, Faculty Handbook, and policies and procedures related to faculty governance and academic policy. Committee members are responsible for responding to charges received from the Senate or Associate Provost for Academic Affairs. Committee members must notify the committee chair if unable to attend scheduled meetings.


a) Schedule and convene all meetings.

b) Establish agenda.

c) Moderate committee discussions.

d) Serve as liaison between the committee and the Chair of the Senate.

e) Assign recorder to take and distribute committee minutes.

f)  Forward approved minutes to the Clerk of the Senate.

g) File an annual report with the Clerk of the Senate by May 15th for presentation at the June faculty meeting.


a) At the first meeting of the standing annual calendar year the committee will elect the committee chair.

b) Agenda items will be collected by the chair from all interested parties and distributed to committee members one (1) week prior to meeting.

c) Meetings will be conducted by presenting each agenda item for discussion and proposed action.

d) Decisions are determined by majority vote.

e) Members who are not able to attend may submit their recommendation/vote electronically to the chair, who then communicates to the committee.

f) Student input on relevant academic policies will be solicited through the Office of Student Affairs.

g) Minutes will be recorded by an assigned individual and distributed to committee members for approval within two (2) weeks of the meeting.

h) Approved minutes will be forwarded to the Clerk of the Senate.

DISPOSITION OF BUSINESS The disposition of each of the agenda items must be noted in the minutes.

Committee proposals are formatted as motions and forwarded to the Clerk of the Senate for inclusion in the Senate agenda.