3.4 Repeating Courses

The student’s transcript may contain no more than one grade of C. Students who receive a second grade lower than B- in a course or clinical experience, including a withdrawal (W), must repeat one of the two courses or clinical experiences the next time it is offered, usually the next academic year. Only one course or clinical experience may be repeated. A student is subject to immediate dismissal from the Program if the grade for the repeated course is lower than B-.

Depending on which course is repeated, and the corresponding course prerequisites, the student may not be allowed to continue taking courses toward the degree in the following semester. Enrollment in courses for which the perquisite was not successfully completed must be delayed until the prerequisite is completed.

In many cases, the course schedule in a given semester conflicts with the scheduled time for the repeated course. No adjustments will be made to the course schedule to accommodate a student needing to repeat a course. The student may not request independent study to fulfill the repeat policy. Students are responsible for any expenses incurred because of the extended program.

A Clinical/Academic Review (see section 4.2) will be conducted for any student receiving a second grade lower than B- in any course, including clinical experiences.