b. New Academic Initiatives Approval Process



The following guidelines should be used when setting up new programs or degrees. These guidelines aim to better support schools and departments and to provide a seamless experience for students. This will be accomplished by ensuring key central units are notified early in the process to work in collaboration with the unit to implement the program efficiently and effectively. 





Develop Concept Proposal


Chair or designee

The chair or designee develops a concept proposal, including its purpose, degree level, unique aspects, and how it contributes to the Institute’s academic and research mission.

  • The concept document should be designed as an executive summary of the nature of the program being proposed. Key philosophical or educational concepts, the rationale for the timing of the proposal, the programmatic rationale and purpose, environmental (institutional, local, regional, national) indicators that are favorable for the program, implications for other Institute programs (space, technology, labs, etc.), and any inherent risks should be included.
  • A detailed budget is not required at this phase; preliminary identification of necessary resources should be highlighted, and preliminary enrollment projections should be offered.



Dean or designee

The dean or designee reviews and submits the concept proposal and checklist to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs for internal review.

New Initiatives Committee Review

Associate Provost for Academic Affairs

The Associate Provost for Academic Affairs reviews the completeness and appropriateness of the concept proposal and offers preliminary approval for the concept to proceed. In most cases, the associate provost will convene the New Initiatives Committee (NIC), where the chair or designee will make a presentation regarding the concept. The NIC will have the opportunity to review the proposal, hear the presentation from the unit, and ask questions for clarification. The committee will advise the provost as to their agreement with the concept and will provide any additional recommendations that may be helpful.

Provost Review

Provost or designee

The provost reviews the concept proposal and feedback. When appropriate, the provost will notify the Academic and Student Affairs Committee. If no major edits or concerns are noted, the provost will notify the chair or designee to move forward with the development of a program proposal with a business case.




Develop a Program Proposal & Business Case

Chair or designee

The chair or designee prepares the program proposal with a business case and submits it to the dean for review. This program proposal must include the curriculum for the program, a detailed budget for startup and for continuations, a discussion of enrollment plans, and any specific resource needs that have been identified. This template must be used when proposing new degree or program modifications.


Full program proposals must include a pro forma projecting five years of revenues and expenses. Unit developing a new degree may consult with the Budget Director for assistance in developing the financial analysis.


Department or School-Level Review

Academic Dean

The dean will vet the program proposal with the appropriate department or school-level governance and submit it to the Office of the Provost. If desired, the chair will present the proposal to the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, or other central services for feedback.


Provost Approval

Provost or designee

The program proposal is reviewed and approved by the provost.

ASAC Approval

Provost or designee

The provost or designee will submit the program proposal to the Academic and Student Affairs Committee for review and approval if required. In some circumstances, the chair of ASAC may recommend that the proposal go directly to the IHP Board of Trustees.


IHP Board Approval

Chief of Staff

The Institute Board of Trustees reviews and approves the new degree or program.

MGH Board Approval

Chief of Staff

MGB Board of Trustees reviews and approves the new degree or program.

BHE Approval

Provost or designee

The provost or designee submits a petition to the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education. The application and approval process with the BHE may take up to nine months.

NECHE Approval

Academic Unit Leader

The provost or designee submits notice to the New England Commission of Higher Education (the institutional accreditor) for substantive changes. When required, this review does not typically limit enrollment and will be completed over the course of the program startup.


Specialty or Program Accreditation

Academic Unit Leader

If the degree program requires or desires approval by a specialized (disciplinary) accrediting body, it is essential that the program director and/or dean ensure that all applications, fees, self-study, or other processes are completed according to the program timeline that has been proposed.

CCRC Approval of Courses

Academic Unit Leader


CCRC will review and approve any new courses prior to course implementation.