AP7. Oral and Written Warnings


Oral Warning

Oral warnings are issued when, 1) after professional behavior advisement(s), a student demonstrates a pattern of behaviors inconsistent with the Program’s professionalism expectations; or 2) has an instance of behavior that is seriously or overtly in contrast to the Program’s professionalism expectations. An Oral Warning is a formal notice that the student is not meeting the Program’s professionalism expectations.

  1. Required Actions:
    1. Students will be notified of Oral Warnings via an email with the subject heading “Oral Warning” and will include the Oral Warning Form.
    2. The Faculty member(s) issuing the Oral Warning will set a meeting with the student to discuss areas for improvement and to establish a corrective action plan (including a timeline).
    3. The student’s Academic Advisor will also set a meeting with the student to discuss the Oral Warning in relation to the student’s overall performance in the program.
  2. Outcome:

    If the corrective action plan is not fulfilled per expectations a Written Warning may be issued.

  3. Record:
    1. Oral Warnings will be documented via the Oral Warning Form. The Oral Warning Form will be sent to the student, the student’s advisors, the Program Director, the Registrar, and in cases involving breaches of academic integrity, the Dean of Students.
    2. Oral Warnings will be kept as part of the student’s permanent record.

Written Warning

Written Warnings may be issued when a student has failed to meet the corrective actions outlined in an Oral Warning, has received 2 or more Oral Warnings, or has demonstrated egregious violations of the Program’s professionalism expectations. Written Warnings are formal notices that the student is not meeting the Program’s professionalism expectations.

  1. Required Actions:
    1. Students will be notified of Written Warnings via an email with the subject heading “Written Warning” and will include the “Written Warning Form”.
    2. Students will immediately be referred to CAPP for review and decision about appropriate actions.
    3. The Faculty member(s) issuing the Written Warning will set a meeting with the student to discuss the areas of concern.
    4. The student’s Academic Advisor will also set a meeting with the student to discuss the Written Warning in relation to the student’s overall performance in the program.
  1. Outcome:
    1. CAPP will review students receiving a Written Warning to recommend an appropriate course of action to the department Chair. This may include a corrective action plan, suspension, or dismissal. Utilizing this recommendation, the Chair of the PT Program makes a final decision.
    2. If CAPP recommends a corrective action plan it will be developed in collaboration with the student’s Academic Advisor, and when appropriate, the Faculty member issuing the Written Warning.
    3. Students who fail to fulfill the requirements of a correction action plan will be referred to CAPP for consideration of further action including, but not limited to, suspension or dismissal. Utilizing a recommendation from the committee, the Chair of the PT Program makes a final decision.


  2. Record:
    1. Written Warnings will be documented via the Written Warning Form. The Written Warning Form will be sent to the student, the student’s advisor, the Program Director, CAPP, the Registrar, and in cases involving breaches of academic integrity, the Dean of Students.
    2. Written Warnings will be kept as part of the student’s permanent record.


Immediate Dismissal

Students demonstrating behavior determined by the faculty to be overtly illegal, and/or unethical will be referred to CAPP for consideration of immediate dismissal. A recommendation is then made to the department Chair who will make the final decision. Please refer to the IHP policy on Dismissal.