Teaching Practicum

Following completion of Foundations of the Craft of Teaching (HRS-950), students complete a 3-credit Teaching Practicum for PhD RS students (RS-951). This course provides a semester-long mentored teaching experience. Students are paired with an experienced teaching mentor in their field of rehabilitation expertise (typically an IHP faculty member) and participate in their mentor’s course in activities such as developing instructional materials, teaching selected session of the course, and preparing and grading assessments and discussions. The RS 951 Practicum Coordinator (typically the Associate Director) supports students in identifying an appropriate course/mentor and guides the development of the Teaching Practicum Contract, which outlines the practicum plan and objectives. RS 951 has two types of objectives: 1) objectives relevant to every student, and 2) individualized objectives unique to each student. Each student, in consultation with the practicum mentor, the RS-951 Practicum Coordinator, and the academic/research advisors, develops 4-5 individualized objectives to be met in the teaching practicum. During the Craft of Teaching course, the Practicum Coordinator will connect with students to being planning for Practicum. Students should be in contact with the Practicum Coordinator after completing HRS-950 to solidify a plan. Students typically complete Teaching Practicum within a year of finishing HRS-950. Students are expected to attend course sessions across the semester (at least two hours per week over a 14-week semester onsite or the equivalent commitment for a shorter, intensive or online course). To ensure adequate time for research, the time commitment for Teaching Practicum should not exceed the equivalent of 6 hours per week across a 14-week semester (84 hours). RS-951 is managed through D2L. Please see the course syllabus for additional information.