RLD - Reading and Language, Doctorate

RLD 600 Language, Linguistics, and Literacy

This is an advanced course in reading that reflects historic and current research and theories of language acquisition, studies into linguistics and their relationship to literacy development. Core topics include sociocultural and sociolinguistic contexts of language and literacy acquisition; processes of the linguistic-discourse system and their relationship to literacy learning; and, typical and atypical literacy and language development. Pre-requisite(s): Doctoral standing. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


RLD 601 Research in Early Literacy

This advanced course in literacy examines the research and theory on emergent literacy, the development of orthographic knowledge and word recognition, and explores the influences on early literacy development. Pre-requisite(s): Doctoral standing. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


RLD 602 Literacy Comprehension: Research and Application

This advanced course develops students’ abilities to interpret and critically examine literacy comprehension research. Students examine contemporary theoretical perspectives, read important historical and recent research studies, and learn to analyze research and policy, thus, laying a foundation for deeper understanding that links to instructional practices. Pre-requisite(s): Doctoral standing and completion of RLR 502 or equivalent course in comprehension, or consent of the instructor. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


RLD 603 Historical Issues in Literacy Research

An advanced seminar in literacy, which attempts to acquaint the student with historical trends in literacy research as well as highlighting issues of major significance. It provides the students with opportunity to read and discuss seminal works in literacy that forms the basis for contemporary concerns. Prerequisite: Advanced standing. 2 semester hours


RLD 606 Instruction and Staff Development in Reading and Language

This advanced course develops students’ abilities to interpret, critically examine, and evaluate recent scholarly and practitioner-based texts articulating reform in schools, literacy curriculum and instruction. Students examine contemporary theoretical and philosophical perspectives and arguments, as well as read and analyze relevant research, laying a foundation for deeper understanding of how literacy leaders can affect change within school settings. Pre-requisite(s): Admission to NCE Doctoral Studies. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


RLD 607 Seminar on Theory and Research in Writing

This course is devoted to an exploration of current and historical research and theory in writing and the teaching of writing. Students examine research methods and paradigms; compare, contrast, and critique studies in written composition; address social, cultural and political issues; and review and synthesize research and theory on specific topics of interest in the field of writing research. Pre-requisite(s): Doctoral standing and completion of RLW 541 or equivalent course in writing, consent of the instructor. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


RLD 695 Current Issues in Literacy Research

This topical seminar is designed to provide students with some in-depth reflections on key issues of contemporary research in literacy. Awareness of issues and arguments is developed as well as familiarity with seminal studies and their critical evaluation. Pre-requisite(s): Master’s Degree or equivalent study in literacy or permission of instructor. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours