Elementary Education, M.A.T. (Alternative Teacher Licensure)

This route to the M.A.T. and teacher certification is for candidates accepted into one of NLU’s alternative certification partner programs. Teacher candidates will be placed in high needs schools as teachers of record while taking their coursework toward M.A.T degree and their Professional Educator's License with an endorsement in Elementary Education, Grades 1-6. A specialized mentoring program will be in place to support and guide the teacher candidates throughout the two years of the program.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

PLO1. Learner Development. The candidate demonstrates understanding of how learners grow and develop, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

PLO2. Learning Differences. The candidate uses understanding of individual needs, differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environment

PLO3. Learning Environment. The candidate works with colleagues, families, and communities to establish positive, collaborative and supportive learning environments that encourage active engagement in learning and self- motivation.

PLO4. Content Knowledge. The candidate utilizes the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline to create learning experiences that make the content accessible and meaningful for learners.

PLO5. Application of Content. The candidate connects concepts and uses differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to real world issues.

PLO6. Assessment. The candidate uses multiple methods of assessment to monitor learner progress, guide decision-making and to engage learners in their own growth.

PLO7. Planning for Instruction. The candidate plans instruction that supports students by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

PLO8. Instructional Strategies. The candidate designs and applies a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop understanding of content areas and to build skills and apply knowledge in meaningful ways.

PLO9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The candidate engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to evaluate their practice and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.

PLO10. Leadership and Collaboration. The candidate seeks appropriate leadership opportunities to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

In addition to National College of Education Graduate Admissions Requirements, applicants must:

  • Be admitted before starting the first term of Jumpstart
  • Have a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution with a major in the content area of reading, English/language arts, mathematics or one of the sciences
  • Sit for a formal interview with NCE program faculty at least two weeks prior to the start of the first term
  • Submit three academic or professional letters of recommendation (recommenders must be listed on the application)

Program Details:

  • Requires 49 SH for completion
  • Candidates cannot be admitted with more than two General Education deficiencies which must be completed prior to participation in the residency phase of the program
  • Candidates must complete General Education Requirements before the end of the second term or before the start of the third term:
    • Science – coursework covering at least three of the following areas: physical, life science, and earth and space
    • Social Sciences – coursework covering at least four of the following areas: history, geography, civics and government, economics of Illinois, US and the world
  • Requires a passing score on the Elementary Education Content Area Test before ATL Residency Seminar II

Required Courses

Jumpstart Courses - 7 SH

RLL 538Literacy Methods: K-6

1 TO 2

MHE 450Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers


EPS 513Frameworks for Data Driven Instruction

1 TO 3

Note: RLL 538 must be taken for 2 semester hours and EPS 513 must be taken for 1 semester hour.

Residency Year 1 Courses - 20 SH

SCE 480BMethods of Teaching Science


CIS 480BMethods of Teaching Social Studies


RLR 550Teaching Reading Comprehension and Content Literacy in Grades 1-6


SPE 500Introduction to and Methods of Teaching Students with Disabilities


MHE 480BMethods for Teaching Elementary Schools Mathematics


CIL 505Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language


CIL 510Assessment of ESL and Bilingual Education Students


ELE 511ATL Residency Seminar I


Note: ELE 511 must be taken for the total of 3 semester hours.

Residency Year 2 Courses - 22 SH

ELE 545Methods for Teaching Arts Education


ELE 547Methods for Teaching Health and Physical Education


EPS 513Frameworks for Data Driven Instruction

1 TO 3

CIL 531Cross Cultural Education


CIL 500Foundations of ESL and Bilingual Education


ESR 514Research in Action: Becoming Practitioner Researchers


CIL 501Introduction to Linguistics for TESOL


CIL 506Methods and Materials for Teaching Bilingual Education


ELE 512ATL Residency Seminar II


Note: EPS 513 must be taken for 2 semester hours. ELE 512 must be taken for the total of 3 semester hours. 

For more information about this program, visit  http://www.nl.edu/academics/educationmastersteacherprep/elementaryeducation/