Format of Student Conduct Hearing

Procedural aspects of the hearing are at the discretion of the hearing body, inclusive of the Student Rights and Procedural Considerations above and the hearing elements listed in (a)-(h).

    a. The charges stated and the case presented by the hearing administrator.

    b. A statement made by the Complainant.

    c. A statement made by the Responding Student.

    d. A statement made by the witnesses, if appropriate.

    e. Questions are asked by members of the Student Conduct Hearing Committee. If the Complainant or Responding Student has questions during the proceeding, the questions will be submitted in writing to the hearing administrator. The hearing administrator has the discretion to determine whether proposed questions are relevant to the proceedings and consistent with University policy.  Only the hearing administrator will read questions submitted by the Complainant or Responding Student.

    f. Any final statements made by the Complainant.

    g. Any final statements made by the Responding Student. 

    h. Closing statements made by the hearing administrator notifying hearing body of deliberation instructions and notifying involved parties of decision timeline.

    i. In hearings conducted pursuant to the Comprehensive Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence policy, the Complainant has the right not to provide opening or closing statements, or testify in the presence of the Responding Student.  When the Complainant asserts this right, the University will provide a procedure in which the Complainant is allowed to speak to the Hearing Committee outside the presence of the Responding Student. The procedure will allow the Responding Student to hear the Complainant’s statement or testimony without being physically present in the hearing room.