General Education Course Requirements for the AA Degree

AA degree-seeking students must complete thirty-six general education credit hours. The credit hours must be distributed among the course categories listed below.

General Education Requirements

I. English Composition (6 credits)

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I^***+

3 cc

ENC 1102English Composition II^*+

3 cc

II. Literature (3 credits)

ENC 1101C and ENC 1102 are prerequisites for all Literature courses.

AML 2010American Literature to 1870^***+

3 cc

AML 2020American Literature from 1870^***+

3 cc

AML 2600Introduction to African-American Literature^***+

3 cc

ENL 2012English Literature to 1800^***+

3 cc

ENL 2022English Literature from 1800^***+

3 cc

LIT 2090Contemporary Literature^***+

3 cc

LIT 2110World Literature to 1650^***+

3 cc

LIT 2120World Literature from 1650^***+

3 cc

III. Mathematics (6 credits)

General Education credit is not given for both MAC 1140 and MAC 1147.

MAC 1105College Algebra^***

3 cc

MAC 1114Plane Trigonometry^***

3 cc

MAC 1140Precalculus Algebra^***

3 cc

MAC 1147Precalculus Algebra/Trigonometry^*

4 cc

MAC 2233Calculus with Business Applications I^*

3 cc

MAC 2234Calculus with Business Applications II^*

3 cc

MAC 2311Analytic Geometry and Calculus I^*

4 cc

MAC 2312Analytic Geometry and Calculus II^*

4 cc

MAC 2313Analytic Geometry and Calculus III^*

4 cc

MAP 2302Differential Equations*

3 cc

MGF 1106Mathematics for Liberal Arts I^***

3 cc

MGF 1107Mathematics for Liberal Arts II^***

3 cc

STA 2023Elementary Statistics^*

3 cc

IV. History, Behavioral/Social, and Human Sciences (6 credits)

One 3 credit course must have an AMH, ANT, DEP, EUH, PSY or SYG prefix.

AMH 2010American History to 1877^***+

3 cc

AMH 2020American History from 1877^***+

3 cc

AMH 2091African-American History and Culture^***+

3 cc

ANT 2000Introduction to Anthropology^***+

3 cc

ANT 2410Cultural Anthropology^***+

3 cc

CCJ 1020Introduction to Criminal Justice***

3 cc

DEP 2004Human Growth and Development^***+

3 cc

ECO 2013Macroeconomics***

3 cc

EUH 1000European History I^***+

3 cc

EUH 1001European History II^***+

3 cc

EUH 2010A History of Greece and Rome^***+

3 cc

GEA 2000World Regional Geography***

3 cc

HLP 1081Concepts of Life Fitness***

3 cc

HSC 2100Personal and Community Health***

3 cc

INR 2002Introduction to International Relations^*+

3 cc

MMC 2000Survey of Mass Communication***

3 cc

POS 2041American National Government^***+

3 cc

PSY 2012General Psychology^***+

3 cc

SLS 1101College Success

3 cc

SYG 2000Introduction to Sociology^***+

3 cc

V. Humanities (6 credits)

These 6 credits must include courses from at least 2 different course prefix areas.

ARH 1002Art for Non-Majors***

3 cc

ARH 1050Art History I***

3 cc

ARH 1051Art History II***

3 cc

ARH 2000Humanities Art. (For Non-Art Majors)***

3 cc

CLT 1500Classical Mythology^***+

3 cc

DAN 2100Dance Appreciation*

3 cc

FRE 1121Beginning French II^***

4 cc

GER 1121Beginning German II^***

4 cc

HUM 2210Humanities in the Ancient World^***+

3 cc

HUM 2230Humanities in the Modern World^***+

3 cc

HUM 2454African-American Humanities^***+

3 cc

HUM 2740Humanities Travel^***+

3 cc

LAT 1121Beginning Latin II^***

4 cc

MUH 2011Music Appreciation***

3 cc

MUH 2110Introduction to Music History^***+

3 cc

PHI 2010Introduction to Philosophy^***+

3 cc

PHI 2070Introduction to Eastern Philosophy^***+

3 cc

PHI 2100Logic^***+

3 cc

PHI 2600Ethics^***+

3 cc

PHI 2701Introduction to the Philosophy of World Religions^***+

3 cc

PHM 2122Philosophy And Feminism^***+

3 cc

SPN 1121Beginning Spanish II^***

4 cc

THE 2000Theatre Appreciation^***+

3 cc

Natural Sciences (7 credits)

Students must complete a minimum of seven natural sciences credits, one course from category VI and one from category VII. In addition, students must complete one companion laboratory course.

VI. Biological Sciences (3 or 4 credits)

BSC 1005Introduction to Biology***

3 cc

BSC 1005LIntroduction to Biology Laboratory***

1 cc

BSC 1010Principles of Biology^*

3 cc

BSC 1010LPrinciples of Biology Laboratory^*

1 cc

EVR 2001Introduction to Environmental Science***

3 cc

HUN 1201Elements of Nutrition***

3 cc

HUN 1201LElements of Nutrition Laboratory***

1 cc

OCB 2000Marine Biology***

3 cc

OCB 2000LMarine Biology Laboratory*

1 cc

ZOO 1010General Zoology^*

3 cc

ZOO 1010LGeneral Zoology Laboratory^*

1 cc

VII. Physical Sciences (3 or 4 credits)

AST 1002Descriptive Astronomy***

3 cc

AST 1002Descriptive Astronomy***

3 cc

AST 1002LDescriptive Astronomy Laboratory***

1 cc

CHM 1025Introduction to College Chemistry***

3 cc

CHM 1025Introduction to College Chemistry***

3 cc

CHM 1025LIntroduction to College Chemistry Laboratory***

1 cc

CHM 1045General Chemistry I^***

3 cc

CHM 1045LGeneral Chemistry I Laboratory***

1 cc

CHM 1045CGeneral Chemistry I^***

4 cc

CHM 1046General Chemistry II^***

3 cc

CHM 1046LGeneral Chemistry II Laboratory^***

1 cc

ESC 1000Earth Science.***

3 cc

GLY 1010Physical Geology.***

3 cc

GLY 1010LPhysical Geology Laboratory*

1 cc

MET 1010Introduction to Meteorology***

3 cc

OCE 1001Oceanography***

3 cc

OCE 1001Oceanography***

3 cc

OCE 1001LOceanography Laboratory***

1 cc

PHY 1053General Physics I^***

3 cc

PHY 1053LGeneral Physics I Laboratory***

1 cc

PHY 1054General Physics II^***

3 cc

PHY 1054LGeneral Physics II Laboratory^*

1 cc

PHY 2048Physics I with Calculus***

4 cc

PHY 2048LPhysics I with Calculus Laboratory***

1 cc

PHY 2049Physics II with Calculus^*

4 cc

PHY 2049LPhysics II with Calculus Laboratory^*

1 cc

CHM 1045C: includes lab

VIII. Computer Competence Requirement (1 credit)

Students must demonstrate competence in the use of computer technology. Competence is defined as the ability to use computer technology to access data, transform that data into information, and communicate that information to others. Students may meet the requirement by departmental proficiency examination.

Any course with the prefix CGS, COP or CTS

CGS 1050Electronic Access to Information~

1 cc

CGS 1570Computer Concepts and Applications

3 cc

COP 1510Programming Concepts^

3 cc

EME 2040Introduction to Technology for Educators~

3 cc

LIS 1004Introduction to Internet Research~

1 cc

MUS 1360Music and Computer^~

3 cc

SLS 1122Computer Skills for Academic Success

1 cc

IX. Oral Communications Requirement (1 credit)

Students must demonstrate competence in the skill of oral communications. The requirement can be met by successful completion of one of the following courses.

SPC 1006CBasic Speaking and Listening Skills#

1 cc

SPC 1017Fundamental Communication Concepts#

3 cc

SPC 1608Public Speaking#

3 cc

SPC 2300Interpersonal Communication#

3 cc

Writing Emphasis Courses

Enrollment in any course designated as a writing emphasis course will require appropriate scores on a state-approved placement test, successful completion of the appropriate developmental level coursework, or previous completion of a college-level composition course.

Course Listing

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I^***+

3 cc

ENC 1102English Composition II^*+

3 cc

AML 2010American Literature to 1870^***+

3 cc

AML 2020American Literature from 1870^***+

3 cc

AML 2600Introduction to African-American Literature^***+

3 cc

ENL 2012English Literature to 1800^***+

3 cc

ENL 2022English Literature from 1800^***+

3 cc

LIT 2090Contemporary Literature^***+

3 cc

LIT 2110World Literature to 1650^***+

3 cc

LIT 2120World Literature from 1650^***+

3 cc

AMH 2010American History to 1877^***+

3 cc

AMH 2020American History from 1877^***+

3 cc

EUH 1001European History II^***+

3 cc

PSY 2012General Psychology^***+

3 cc

MUH 2110Introduction to Music History^***+

3 cc

PHI 2010Introduction to Philosophy^***+

3 cc

DAN 2100Dance Appreciation*

3 cc

HUM 2020Introduction to Humanities

3 cc
