Scholastic Standards Committee (SSC)

The SSC develops and recommends academic standards to maintain the integrity of the undergraduate program and academic transcripts of the University; develops, maintains and implements protocols regarding academic changes to the undergraduate transcript; reviews and rules on petitions for any retroactive change to the academic record such as a grade option change, drop, add, and extension of an incomplete beyond the one year deadline; and adjudicates student petitions for academic reinstatement to the University. Conferral of an accredited Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree constitutes automatic reinstatement to the University. An official copy of a transcript with degree posted must be presented to the Office of the Registrar. Petition forms to waive deadlines may be obtained online here or petition forms for reinstatement may be obtained online here. You may also pick up both petition forms at the Registrar's Office in lobby of Neuberger Hall. For further information, call 503-725-3511.