Graduate Programs in Writing

The Department of English offers graduate work leading to the M.F.A. in Creative Writing (Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry), the M.A. or M.S. in Publishing, and the M.A. or M.S. in Professional and Technical Writing.

Creative Writing M.F.A.

Writing M.A./M.S.

Creative Writing M.F.A.

The M.F.A. degree offers an intensive program of writing in small, core workshops and seminars taught by established writers. In workshop, students engage in close readings and critiques of their peer’s work, while seminars may focus, for example, on a formal element, regional tradition, historical period, the works of a seminal writer or two, or a literary movement.

Prospective students must apply to the genre in which they want to focus: fiction, nonfiction, or poetry. Core workshops are taken in the student’s primary genre, while writing electives allow students to explore other genres. The degree requirements also include eight credits in literature, critical theory, or rhetoric and composition. The M.F.A. emphasizes faculty mentorship throughout each student's coursework and thesis completion. Engagement in Portland's vibrant community of writers is also central to the development of our students' work.

Many students come to the M.F.A. with a background in English literature, writing or journalism, but others have backgrounds in the social sciences, sciences, and fine arts. Our program is further distinguished for the diversity of its student body, including a range of ages and life experience, as well as for its flexibility. The program can be completed in two years of full-time coursework, but students have up to four years to complete the degree in order to accommodate those who must attend part-time or want to take additional courses.

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the M.F.A program must provide satisfactory evidence of preparedness to undertake advanced work, which would include a B.A. or B.S. degree from a regionally accredited college or university and a 3.25 GPA in undergraduate work. The application deadline is January 3. Applicants must submit the following:

Applicants must submit the following through the online application process found at

  • A Departmental application form indicating the genre they will focus on: fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.
  • One transcript from each post-secondary institution attended.
  • A minimum of three letters of recommendation. These should come from individuals who can speak to your creative and intellectual work, and your ability to successfully undertake graduate work.
  • A two-to-three-page, 1.5 spaced personal introduction describing the applicant’s background as a writer, goals, and interest in this particular program.
  • A letter of introduction.
  • A complete set of transcripts. A transcript from each post‐secondary institution you have attended is required. Unofficial transcripts or photocopies are acceptable for the Department application. You will be asked to upload a transcript for each institution in one of the following supported file types: PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF, or TIF.
  • A manuscript in the applicant’s primary genre. Manuscript form is defined as having one inch margins, double spaced text, a single, clear, 12‐point typeface, no extra space between paragraphs, indented first line for each paragraph, information identifying the author and title of the manuscript on every page, and page numbers. Poetry manuscripts may be single‐spaced. Previously published, single‐authored work will be accepted. Manuscripts should demonstrate mastery of basic craft and literary promise, and should represent your best work regardless of whether or not it has been published. Writing samples can be comprised of one or multiple bodies of work equal the page requirements listed below.
-In poetry: 12‐15 pages
-In fiction: 20‐30 pages
-In nonfiction: 20‐30 pages of magazine articles or creative nonfiction

Writing Samples and optional additional material in the form of a C.V. or resume may be uploaded in one of the following supported file types: PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, or TXT.

Note: Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores are not required for admission to the M.F.A. in Creative Writing.



Wr 521MFA Core Workshop in Fiction


Wr 522MFA Core Workshop in Poetry


Wr 523MFA Core Workshop in Nonfiction


WR 507Seminars


Electives in Literature


Writing electives


Wr 503Thesis


Total Credit Hours:48

Wr 521, Wr 522, Wr 523: Core Workshops are restricted to students admitted to the M.F.A. in the genre.  Students will take the Workshop in their genre no less than four times and no more than six times, to earn a minimum of 16 credits.

Wr 507 Seminars: (2 classes) Seminars may focus on a particular genre or be cross-genre. Recent topics have included Forms; Defamiliarization; Constraint-based Writing; Fragments; and, Aspects of Translation. MFA students in the genre have priority. All other MFA students may register. Seminars are open to MA and MS students and post-bacs, with instructor permission.

Electives in Literature: (2 classes, one of which may be in Critical Theory, Rhetoric and Composition)

Writing electives: (2 classes, one must be a workshop or seminar in the in the MFA program)

Wr 503 Thesis: (8 credit hours to be arranged)

M.F.A. students will complete 48 credit hours of coursework, with 40 credits in writing. They must also complete a creative thesis of high literary merit, pass a written examination based on the thesis and an adviser-approved list of 30-40 texts, and pass an oral examination based on the written examination and creative thesis. The M.F.A. curriculum consists of the core workshops: Wr 521 (Fiction), Wr 522 (Poetry), and Wr 523 (Nonfiction); two writing seminars; two electives in literature (one of which may be in critical theory or rhetoric and composition); two writing electives; and eight credits of work on the thesis. The M.F.A. core workshops are restricted to M.F.A. students in the genre. They may be taken six times for a total of 24 credits.