IE3: Global Internships

The international internship program, administered by IE3 Global, enables PSU students to acquire international experience for credit as part of their degree.

An IE3 Global Internship is a supervised, practical, international work experience. Ranging from 10 weeks to nine months of full-time work, the internship integrates academic credit on the home campus with on-the-job experience, allowing students to gain valuable skills while working toward their degree.

The benefits gained from an international internship are numerous: personal growth, a better understanding of world affairs, competitive advantage in the job market, proficiency in a foreign language, understanding of a foreign culture, knowledge of professional practices in another country, maturity and confidence, and professional contacts for future career development.

IE3 offers internships throughout the world in private-sector companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. The latest information on available internships can be found here: