Academic standing policy

Undergraduate and Postbaccalaureate Undergraduate Students

The faculty Scholastic Standards Committee (SSC) has the authority to place on Academic Warning, Probation or Dismissal any student according to the following standards:

Academic Warning

Any student with 12 or more attempted credits (including PSU and transfer work) whose cumulative PSU GPA falls below 2.00 will be placed on academic warning. A registration hold will also be applied to the student record until he/she has participated in a mandatory intervention facilitated by Advising and Career Services. Students on academic warning are restricted to registering for 13 or fewer credits per term.

Academic Probation

Students on academic warning will be placed on academic probation if they do not meet at least one of the following requirements:

  1. Raise the cumulative PSU GPA to 2.00, thereby returning to good standing
  2. Earn a GPA for the given term of 2.25 or above, thereby remaining on academic warning and subject to the same requirements in the next term.

Students on academic probation are restricted to registering for 13 or fewer credits per term.

Academic Dismissal

Students on academic probation will be dismissed if they do not meet at last one of the following requirements:

  1. Raise the cumulative PSU GPA to 2.00, thereby returning to good standing
  2. Earn a GPA for the given term of 2.25 or above, thereby remaining on academic probation and subject to the same requirements for the next term.


  1. Grade changes or removal of Incomplete grades do not change academic standing status.
  2. Academic standing status in the current term may be changed by engaging the repeat policy, however repreating courses will not retroactively change the status of a past term.
  3. Students who are academically dismissed from PSU are not permitted to register either full-time or part-time (including 1-8 credits)
  4. When evaluating undergraduate academic standing, only PSU undergraduate credit is considered.
  5. Students on academic warning or academic probation who receive only grades of I, X and/or NP will lose academic standing.


A student who is dismissed may be readmitted in one of two ways. One is to petition and be approved for reinstatement by the Scholastic Standards Committee. Petitions for current term reinstatement must be returned to the Office of the Registrar prior to the beginning of the term for a timely decision. Alternately, conferral of an accredited Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree will constitute automatic reinstatement to the University. An official transcript with the degree posted must be presented to the Office of the Registrar. Reinstated students are given probation status.

Graduate Students and Postbaccalaureate Graduate Students

Graduate Academic Standing is administered by the Office of Graduate Studies. See the Graduate Studies section of this Bulletin for policy details.