Graduate Program

The Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice offers a program of study designed to provide students a broad-based understanding of the criminal justice system and society’s response to crime. A major goal of the program is to develop understanding of the applied and theoretical aspects of crime and criminal justice.

The program provides students with a high degree of flexibility and allows students to tailor the program to match their own career interests. Core coursework consists of classes in the theoretical foundations of criminology and criminal justice, methodology, and criminal justice policy analysis.

Students are required to develop a specialization in a substantive area outside of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. In consultation with an adviser, students identify and complete a minimum of four classes, thereby creating a specialty that is unique for each student. Potential specialization fields include public management, political science, urban studies, and geographic information systems.

Admission Requirements

Criminology and Criminal Justice M.S.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the general University requirements for admission to graduate study, prospective students should arrange for the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice to receive:

  1. CCJ Graduate Program application submitted online.  Please visit site: to apply.

  2. Transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended, including PSU.

  3. Two (or more) letters of recommendation from faculty members at colleges or universities previously attended, or from others in a position to comment on the student’s academic and professional background and experience.

  4. A 500-word statement of purpose describing academic and professional career goals, including subfields of primary interest. The statement may also be used to provide any other additional information pertinent to the applicant's qualifications.

  5. Applicants required to submit TOEFL scores to the Office of Admissions should also submit them to the Department.

  6. A resume or curriculum vita is optional.

  7. Students interested in a Graduate Assistantship should include a completed application form.  

In order to be considered for regular admission to the program, applicants should have a total undergraduate GPA of 3.20 or higher or a graduate GPA of 3.20 or higher for a minimum of 9 credit hours.