2014-2015 Catalog

Leave of Absence

Graduate students are expected to remain continuously enrolled until they have completed all requirements and have received their degrees. Graduate students who must leave the college for a period of one semester or more due to military service, prolonged illness, or other unusual circumstances, whether before or after they have completed the work prescribed in their plan of study, should apply for a leave of absence. The request should be made in writing to the appropriate academic dean. It should include an endorsement from the advisor and program director and should be sufficiently specific to enable the academic dean to determine whether the leave is warranted. A leave of absence, granted under such unusual circumstances, has the effect of suspending time limitations such as those for completion of the degree or for the removal of incomplete grades. Accordingly, a leave will be granted only for sufficient reason and only if it is to be for one year or less. Students may apply in writing for a maximum of one additional year if circumstances warrant.

Permanent withdrawal from a graduate program is a serious matter that deserves careful consideration by students in consultation with their advisor. If a leave of absence is not in the student’s best interest, the student should inform the dean responsible for the program in writing of the intention to terminate graduate status.