2019-2020 Catalog

Study Abroad

Rhode Island College students, no matter what their majors, may study abroad for course credit at institutions in other countries. They may study for a semester, an academic year, the summer or during the early spring term.

While studying abroad, students do not pay RIC tuition and may apply their financial aid to program costs, including tuition, at the host institution and toward travel expenses.

The choice of program and specific location depend upon the student’s interests. The Study Abroad Office provides information about the study abroad process, assists students with their applications and facilitates transfer of credits.

Rhode Island College is affiliated with six study abroad program providers that offer discounted tuition for RIC students: Academic Programs International, the American Institute for Foreign Study, the Center for International Studies, the Education Abroad Network, CAPA International Education and SIT Study Abroad. All of these providers can be found on the Web. However, students are not limited to these affiliates and may study with many other programs and universities around the world. Also, individual faculty members may lead RIC courses abroad from time to time.

Students interested in studying abroad are encouraged to review the information available on the RIC Study Abroad website at ric.edu/studyabroad and to meet with the director of Study Abroad.