2022-2023 Catalog

International, Immigrant, Undocumented, DACAmented and Refugee Students, Office for

The Office for International, Immigrant, Undocumented, DACAmented and Refugee Students (IIUDRS) is a physical space within The Unity Center dedicated to students that identify with the international, immigrant, undocumented, DACAmented, and refugee student experience. It embraces all students, regardless of their citizenship status in the United States, and views education equity for all as a fundamental human right.


One of its main goals is to help students develop a global citizenship mindset that helps them better understand their positionality in this world in order to better navigate it. We provide one-on-one advising, connect students to immigration services, introduce them to scholarship, internship, and fellowship opportunities, and most importantly, provide them with a caring learning community dedicated to engaging in thought-provoking conversations, no matter how uncomfortable or controversial they might be.