2022-2023 Catalog

Room Refunds

    1. Cancellation Prior to Cancellation Deadline- Enrolled Students: Matriculated students who paid a housing deposit, signed the housing contract, and chose a housing assignment for the following academic year during the College’s official Housing Selection Process may cancel their housing through written request at no additional fee, if written request is received by May 15th. Cancellation will result in forfeiture of $200 housing deposit.
    2. Cancellation Prior to Cancellation Deadline- Non-Enrolled Students: Students who have yet to matriculate to the College (i.e. New First Year students and New Transfer Students) who paid a housing deposit, signed the housing contract, and were given a housing assignment for the following academic year from the Residential Life & Housing Office may cancel their housing through written request at no additional fee, as long as written request is received by August 1st for the fall semester or January 1st for the spring semester. Cancellation will result in forfeiture of $200 housing deposit.
    3. Cancellation After Cancellation Deadline: Students who paid a housing deposit, signed the housing contract, and have a housing assignment, must submit a Contract Release Request Form to the Office of Residential Life & Housing for consideration. The College may exercise its discretion to grant or deny the request.If the College denies the request for cancellation, the student shall owe the full fee period of the housing contract (academic year), any charges for damages, cleaning, and any non-refundable housing fees. If the College accepts the cancellation request, the student shall owe the full period of occupancy used, plus a release of contract fee equivalent to a four (4) week rent fee at the student’s current housing rate, any charges for damages, cleaning, and any non-refundable housing fees.
    4. Contract Release Request Form: Students who wish to cancel their housing after the cancellation deadline, and have circumstances that meet the criteria below, may submit a Contract Release Request Form for review.
      1. Withdrawal from the College
      2. Graduation from the College
      3. Military Deployment
      4. Attendance to an official College approved program (i.e. study abroad, national student exchange, or the equivalent)
      5. Financial Hardship (Must include verification appropriate to the circumstance and must demonstrate a loss of income that has occurred since the cancellation deadline. Petitions for release will be reviewed with the Financial Aid and Bursar Offices.)
      6. Medical Hardship (Must include medical documentation from a licensed physician on official letterhead, stating medical diagnosis, as well as a statement of how living on campus is related to the illness and the student’s treatment. Petitions for release will be reviewed by the Health & Wellness Office (Health Services and Counseling.))
    5. Students who are released from their housing contract will be charged a release of contract fee equivalent to a four (4) week rent fee at the student’s current housing rate except in the following situations:
      1. Withdrawal from the College
      2. Graduation from the College
      3. Military deployment
      4. Attendance to an official College approved program (i.e. study abroad, national student exchange, or the equivalent)
    6. Any student who fails to occupy their assigned space one week after the contract start date shall be considered a “no-show” cancellation. Students considered “no-show” cancellations shall owe the full fee period of the housing contract (academic year) for enrolled students, or the four (4) week rent fee for non-enrolled students, plus any charges for damages, cleaning, and any non-refundable housing fees.