3-1-3 Program

The SUNY Fredonia 3-1-3 program provides an opportunity for some high school seniors within driving distance of the university to take courses at Fredonia while they still have the close support of family and high school. The 3-1-3 program is a time-shortened, combined high school and college course of study that can lead to a B.A. or B.S. degree in three years after high school graduation. It is possible because the university gives credit for the successful completion of selected high school courses and the high school allows successfully completed college English and social science courses to count toward the high school diploma. Therefore, the name 3-1-3 means three years of high school, three years of university study and one transitional year during which the student is enrolled simultaneously at his/her high school and at the university.

3-1-3 students are selected by the SUNY Fredonia admissions staff on the same basis as regularly admitted students.

During the last semester of the 3-1-3 program, students are invited to apply for the Honors Program at Fredonia, based on their cumulative Grade Point Average.

Interested persons should contact the SUNY Fredonia Admissions Office at (716) 673-3251 for more information on the 3-1-3 program.