Judicial Board Hearing

The University Judicial Board is comprised of twelve (12) members. Approximately six students and six faculty/staff members are appointed for a term of one year. Members are nominated by the Student Affairs Committee or a subcommittee of the Student Affairs Committee and appointed by the University President. The Judicial Board hears the case, weighs the evidence and testimony of witnesses, determines responsibility or non-responsibility of the accused and makes a sanction recommendation to the Vice President for Student Affairs. The accused student will be determined responsible or non-responsible by the preponderance of the evidence. Preponderance of evidence means evidence that would lead a reasonable person to conclude that it is more likely than not that the act in question did occur or that the fact or proposition is true. To proceed with a hearing, a minimum of five Judicial Board members must be present. If less than five members are present the accused must agree in writing in order to have the hearing.