SUNY Transfer Applicants

SUNY is committed to helping SUNY students complete their baccalaureate goals. Students are guaranteed a minimum of 60 credits which is junior standing for earning an AA or AS degree and transfer to a parallel program at a SUNY four-year campus. SUNY students can also feel confident that courses they took to complete their general education requirements (SUNY-GER) at their current school will apply towards the general education requirements at any SUNY school. In addition to your official SUNY college transcript, we will receive a General Education Transcript Addendum (GETA). The GETA lists the SUNY General Education Courses that you completed at your previous SUNY institution. We will award SUNY General Education credit as indicated on your GETA. SUNY Transfer Paths were developed to help students select appropriate lower division courses to apply towards major requirements at any SUNY institution. Additional information on SUNY’s commitment to seamless transfer can be located on the SUNY Transfer Mobility website: