Failure to Pay University Charges

Changes in a student’s registration status, residence hall occupancy, food service selection or a reduction in financial aid may result in a balance due after the initial payment has been made. The Student Accounts Office will bill students monthly throughout the semester. Students who fail to make timely payments will be assessed a $30 late payment/administrative fee each time their account is billed.

A student who fails to pay any university related charges (this includes tuition, fees, library and parking fines and expenses for equipment and supplies) prior to the end of the current semester will be placed on “hold.” A student on “hold” will not: receive a diploma at graduation, be permitted to register for additional semesters at Fredonia or receive a university transcript.

A student who fails to make payment to the university at the end of the semester will be referred for further collection efforts to the New York State Attorney General’s Office in Albany or to a collection agency contracted by the university. Accounts transferred to these agencies will be subject to additional charges for interest and collection costs of up to 22 percent.