The Graduate Council

The Graduate Council is a standing committee of the University Senate charged with oversight of the academic integrity of graduate studies at Fredonia. In this capacity, Graduate Council supports the development of master's degrees and advanced certificate programs that provide a sound education for graduate students, lead to advanced qualification in the professions and disciplines, and generate new knowledge through research and publications by its faculty and students. The committee's primary functions are: to monitor academic standards; to approve new graduate program and course creation and revisions; to develop standards for admission; to oversee matriculation and graduation standards; and to recommend new and/or revised graduate programs and policies to the Associate Provost for Graduate Studies, Professional Development and Sponsored Programs. An annual report of all actions taken and policies recommended is sent to the Associate Provost for Graduate Studies and the Executive Committee of the University Senate.

For information on Council membership, terms, and other information, please refer to the Fredonia University Senate webpage and scroll to Graduate Council under 'standing committees.'