Dates and Deadlines

Fall 2017

Aug. 18 (F)

First-Year Student Orientation and Registration

Aug. 21 (M)

First Day of Classes

Aug. 21-22 (M-T)

Schedules Changes - Internet

Aug. 25 (F)

Final Day to DROP Courses*

Aug. 29 (T)

Final Day to ADD Courses*

Sept. 4 (M)

NO CLASSES - Labor Day*

Sept. 6 (W)  Final Day to Apply for December Graduation

Sept. 8 (F)

Final Day to Elect PASS/FAIL*

Sept. 13 (W) NO CLASSES - Professional Development Day

Oct. 5-6 (Th, F)

NO CLASSES - Fall Break

Oct. 18 (W)

Mid-semester Grades Due from Faculty

Oct. 19 (Th) Mid-semester Grades Available to Students

Oct. 20 (F)

Graduate Registration Begins for Spring 2018

Oct. 23-27 (M-F)

Undergraduate Advising Week for Spring 2018

Oct. 30 (M)  Undergraduate Registration Begins for Spring 2018
Oct. 30 (M)
Spring 2018 Registration - Seniors
Nov. 1 (W)
Spring 2018 Registration - Juniors
Nov. 3 (F)
Spring 2018 Registration - Sophomores

Nov. 3 (F)

Final Day to WITHDRAW from Courses*

Nov. 7 (T)
Spring 2018 Registration - Freshmen
Nov. 20-24 (M-F)  NO CLASSES - Thanksgiving Break 

Nov. 27 (M)

Last Day to WITHDRAW from the University

Dec. 8 (F)

Last Day of Classes

Dec. 11-16 (M-F)

Final Exams

Dec. 20 (W)

Final Grades Due from Faculty by 11:50PM

Dec. 21 (Th) Final Grades Available to Students after 3:00PM

Spring 2018

Jan. 19 (F)

Orientation and Registration

Jan. 22 (M)

First Day of Classes

Jan. 22-23 (M, T)

Schedule Changes - Internet

Jan. 26 (F)

Final Day to DROP Courses*

Jan. 30 (T)

Final Day to ADD Courses*

Jan. 31 (W)

Final Day to Apply for May Graduation

Feb. 2 (F)

Final Day to Elect PASS/FAIL*

Feb. 7 (W) NO CLASSES - Professional Development Day
Feb. 15-16 (Th-F)
NO CLASSES - Winter Break
Mar. 12-16 (M-F)  NO CLASSES - Spring Break
Mar. 21 (W)  Mid-semester Grades Due from Faculty
Mar. 22 (Th) Mid-semester Grades Available to Students

Mar. 23 (F)

Graduate Registration Begins for Fall 2018

Mar. 26-30 (M-F) Undergraduate Advising Week for Fall 2018
Apr. 2 (M)
NO CLASSES - Travel Day
Apr. 3 (T)  Undergraduate Registration Begins for Fall 2018
Apr. 3 (T)
Fall 2018 Registration - Seniors
Apr. 5 (Th)
Fall 2018 Registration - Juniors

Apr. 6 (F)

Final Day to WITHDRAW from Courses*

Apr. 9 (M)
Fall 2018 Registration - Sophomores
Apr. 11 (W)
Fall 2018 Registration - Freshmen
Apr. 17 (M)
NO CLASSES - Travel Day

Apr. 23 (M)

Last Day to WITHDRAW from the University

May 11 (F)

Last Day of Classes

May 14-18 (M-F)

Final Exams

May 19 (Sat.)


May 23 (W)

Final Grades Due from Faculty by 11:50PM

May 24 (Th) Final Grades Available to Students after 3:00PM

*Deadlines are for full semester courses; mini-courses are pro-rated. Any registration activity after the established deadline will incur a $20 fee.

All course withdrawals incur a $20 fee.