Deferment Policy

Deferment of university charges is not permitted except for approved, deferrable financial aid. Estimated financial aid awards may not be used as deferments. Financial aid awards that may be used as deferments against university charges include:

  • Excelsior
  • Excelsior Tuition Credit
  • Tuition Assistance Program (TAP Awards)
  • SUNY Tuition Credit
  • Stafford Student Loans
  • Veteran benefits (only when they are payable directly to the university)
  • PELL Awards
  • TEACH grant
  • Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (SEOG)
  • Perkins Loan
  • Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS)
  • Private Scholarships (only when they are payable directly to the university)
  • Parent Loans
  • Alternative Student Loans
  • NYS STEM Incentive Program

Work Study Awards and personal loans are not deferrable against university charges.