ACCT 401 Advanced Accounting

Extension of financial accounting to the study of additional accounting entities such as partnerships and consolidated and multi-national firms. Topics include accounting for mergers and acquisitions, consolidated financial statements, international transactions, and an introduction to fund accounting.



ACCT 301 and ACCT 302

ACCT 405 Auditing

A study of the standards, procedures, strategies, and reporting used in the financial audit process. The environment in which the auditor functions is considered, including regulatory requirements, professional ethics, legal liability, and the business entity. The completion of a computerized audit case is required in the course.



ACCT 301 and ACCT 302

ACCT 407 Accounting Information Systems II

A study of the concepts underlying Accounting Information Systems (AIS), including current developments in the information systems field, particularly with respect to databases, networking, and enterprise systems. Terminology, reports, documents, procedures, systems development and controls inherent in a modern AIS will be studied.



ACCT 301 and ACCT 307

ACCT 430 Independent Study

A course for highly motivated students to undertake, under guidance, special studies of areas of accounting which are not normally covered in other courses. Permission of instructor.


ACCT 440 Accounting Theory & Research

A study of financial accounting designed to enhance the student's understanding of and appreciation for the evolution of contemporary financial accounting theory and contemporary financial report issues. Recent contributions to theory, research and practice will be investigated and discussed. Individual research will be conducted with results presented for critical analysis.



ACCT 301 and ACCT 302

ACCT 450 Senior Seminar

Seminar dealing with contemporary problems in the field of accounting. The course is designed so that students may utilize what they have learned in previous accounting courses. The seminar also serves to introduce students to interdisciplinary approaches in problem-solving and lead to possible areas of graduate or professional work. Topics will vary from semester to semester. Permission of instructor or senior standing.


ACCT 455 Adv Auditing & Fraud Examination

A study of internal control in an information technology environment; audit sampling; integrated, internal, operational, and compliance audits; non-audit assurance services; and fraud examination.



ACCT 405 and ACCT 407

ACCT 480 Internship

The course provides credit to students for professional experiences which are closely related to their field of study. Enrollment is to be arranged with an appropriate instructor. Permission of departmental internship coordinator and junior standing.
