Other Student Clubs and Groups

Student life is enriched by the availability of a wide variety of formal and informal group activities, some of long standing, some only newly established. In addition to honor societies, there are service groups, clubs relating to specific majors and career fields, a growing social fraternity and sorority system, and interest groups involved with sports, hobbies, areas of social concern, etc. It is not possible to give more than a sampling here; students who have a specific interest or just want to find out the full range of possibilities, or start a new club, are encouraged to visit the Campus Life website at https://www.fredonia.edu/student-life/campus-life . All department clubs, independent organizations, associations and societies must be recognized by the Student Association and Campus Life in order to have access to campus facilities and Student Association funds.


Accounting Society

Alpha Lambda Delta

Alpha Psi Lambda

Alpha Psi Omega

American Cancer Society

American Choral Directors Association

American Marketing Association

American Sign Language

American String Teachers Association

Applied Communication Association

Autism Club 

Beta Beta Beta

Biology Club

Black Horse Rugby

Black Student Union

Brother 2 Brother

Business Club

Caribbean Student Association

Chemistry Club

Chess Club

Chi Tau Omega

Club Hockey

Club Lacrosse (Women’s)

Club Ultimate Frisbee

Comic Culture Forum

Computer Science Club

Conductor's Guild

Council for Exceptional Children

Criminal Justice Club

Delta Chi

Delta Phi Epsilon

Different, Not Less:  Fredonia Disability - Neurodiversity-Inclusive Community and Allies

Dungeons and Dragons Fellowship

Dynamic Intonation


Envied Xpression

Ethos New Music Society


E-Sports Club

Figure Skating Club

Fredonia Anime Club

Fredonia Bass Society

Fredonia Brass Association

Fredonia Clarinet Association

Fredonia Dance Team

Fredonia Democracy Initiative

Fredonia Feminists

Fredonia Field Hockey

Fredonia Film Society

Fredonia Immersive Theatre

Fredonia Friends of Honduran Children

Fredonia Jazz Workshop

Fredonia Mock Trial

Fredonia Renaissance Choir

Fredonia Radio Systems

Fredonia State Keyboard Association

Fredonia Student Chapter of US Institute for Theatre Technology

Fredonia's Divine Sound

Friends Across Borders

Fun & Logic Club

Geology Club

Guitar Society

Health Professions Club


History Club

Honors Club

Improv Collective

Immersive Theatre

International Club 

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Sigma

 Karaoke club

Knitting/Crochet Club

Latinos Unidos

Men's Club Soccer

Model European Union

Morgan's Message

Much More Chill

Music Industry Club

Music Therapy Club

NAfME (National Associate for Music Educators)

New York State Band Directors Association Collegiate Chapter

Nerf Club


National Student Speech Language Hearing Association NSSLHA

Omicron Delta Kappa (Leadership Honor Society)

Operation Smile

Orchesis Dance Company

Panhellenic Council

Percussion Guild

Performing Arts Company

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia

Play on Words

Pool Club (Billiards)

Premium Blend

Pride Alliance

Psi Chi

Psychology Club

Public Relations Student Society of America

Random Acts

Residence Hall Association

Resident Assistant Advisory Board

Rince: Fredonia Irish Dance


Sigma Alpha Iota

Sigma Gamma Phi

Sigma Kappa

Sigma Phi Epsilon

Sigma Tau Delta

Sister Circle

Social Work Club

Social Work Honor Society

Some Like it Hot

Sound Services


Spikeball Club

Sport Management and Exercise Science Club

Student Dance Organization

Student Opera Theatre Association (SOTA)

Student Veterans of SUNY Fredonia

Students For Fredonia

Tau Sigma

Teachers Education Club

The Guerrillas

The Leader

The Riveters

Transfer Student Organization

Trombone Workshop

Ukulele Club

Video Game Orchestra


Women's Club Soccer

Women's Club Volleyball

Writers' Ring


The formal and informal activities mentioned above are further supplemented by some traditional events in student campus life that normally involve large groups of students. They include the following: Activities Night, Culture Night, Relay for Life, and Homecoming.