Foreign Language Requirement Guidelines

As part of Fredonia's General Education requirements, every Fredonia student must successfully complete a minimum of one language course (numbered 110 or above) in a language of the student’s preference. The appropriate course level will be determined by a proficiency test in that language. The placement test will be administered by faculty in World Languages and Cultures; incoming students should arrange to take the test as soon as possible in the semester before they plan to take the language course. Students that do not have any background in the preferred language of study can choose to take the introductory 100-level course (which does not meet the Fredonia Foundations requirement) instead of the placement test to get permission to enroll in the 110 course.  


These are possible outcomes of the test and the corresponding courses: 

Placement Exam Score Foreign Language Course Level Placement 
No foreign language background or score of 1 100 mini  course and then 110 in
language of choice.  Please note: 
100 level mini course does
NOT satisfy the foreign language requirement


Score of 2 or 3


110 in language of choice


Score of 4


215 in language of choice


Score of 5


216 in language of choice



Score of 6


300-level course in language of 
choice in consultation with the
department chair of World Languages and Cultures


Foreign Language Requirement Exceptions: 
  • Fredonia grants world language credit to students who have satisfied the foreign language requirement according to their previous institution's general education requirement with a statement of verification (i.e. GETA on or with their transcript).
  • International students or any student who can demonstrate a native or near-native proficiency in a language other than English may apply for a waiver for the world language requirement.  NOTE: students who receive a waiver will NOT receive credit for the course, meaning that they will NOT get three credits towards graduation or towards the 30 credits of General Education coursework required by SUNY.  Furthermore, the waived class will NOT count towards one of the theme requirements in Fredonia Foundations.  Students who may qualify for a waiver must contact the program coordinator in World Languages and Cultures. 

To schedule a Foreign Language Placement Exam, click here.  If you have any questions, please contact Isabel Cortijo at