CRIJ 4090 Senior Examination

Students majoring in Criminal Justice must complete the program's achievement examination prior to graduation.


CRIJ 4190 Independent Study

This course is designed to meet individual needs and interests in Criminal Justice. It may be repeated for credit when the subject studied is changed.


CRIJ 4191 Seminar

Selected topics in Criminal Justice. The topic will be announced prior to registration. May be repeated for credit whenever content varies.


CRIJ 4290 Independent Study

This course is designed to meet individual needs and interests in Criminal Justice. It may be repeated for credit when the subject studied is changed.


CRIJ 4291 Seminar

Selected topics in Criminal Justice. The topic will be announced prior to registration. May be repeated for credit whenever content varies.


CRIJ 4317 Criminology

An overview of crime in America, various theories concerning causes of crime, and the criminal justice system. May be used to meet the TCLEOSE Crime in America course requirement. (Same as SOCI 4317)


CRIJ 4319 Drugs, Society, & Criminal Justice

This course focuses on issues of drug use, misuse, and abuse. Special emphasis is given to the sociological aspects of drug-taking behavior, the relationship between drugs and crime, and the criminal justice system. Descriptions, classifications, and analyses are used to explore the extent of the drug problem. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311. (Same as SOCI 4319).


CRIJ 4320 Ethics in Criminal Justice

Ethical issues specific to the criminal justice system are examined. Legal, professional and personal ethical issues and ethical dilemmas are discussed with implications for law enforcement, the courts, corrections, and community supervision. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Spring only.


CRIJ 4321 Critical Issues in Criminal Justice

This course explores specialized issues in criminal justice relating to law enforcement, the courts, corrections, and community supervision. Issues of cultural diversity, community policing, and policy implications involving local and global criminal justice systems are examined. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Fall only.


CRIJ 4390 Independent Study

This course is designed to meet individual needs and interests in Criminal Justice. It may be repeated for credit when the subject studied is changed.


CRIJ 4391 Seminar

This course focuses on issues of drug use, misuse, and abuse. Special emphasis will be on the sociological aspects of drug-taking behavior and the relationship between drugs and crime and the criminal justice system. The extent of the drug problem will be explored through descriptions, classifications, and analyses.


CRIJ 4490 Independent Study

This course is designed to meet individual needs and interests in Criminal Justice. It may be repeated for credit when the subject studied is changed.


CRIJ 4491 Seminar

Selected topics in Criminal Justice. The topic will be announced prior to registration. May be repeated for credit whenever content varies.