CSCB - Christian Studies

CSCB 1300 Introduction to Christian Ministry

This course is a biblical, historical, theological, and practical study of Christian Ministry. Students study the role of the minister in proclamation, administration, and care-giving. Attention is given to educational preparation, spiritual growth, and the development of skills in ministry. Fee.

CSCB 2300 Introduction to Biblical Interpretation

This course informs students about the methodologies, principles, and concerns of biblical interpretation with an emphasis on application.

CSCB 2310 Introduction to Church History

The course examines the origin, progress, and development of the Christian religion. Attention is given to major themes, movements, events, leaders, and developments. This course is designed as an orientation to the entire Christian tradition in its social and cultural setting.

CSCB 2320 Introduction to Christian Theology

This course is a study of basic Christian beliefs from a biblical perspective. Emphasis will also be given to how these beliefs have been stated over the history of the church to the present day.

CSCB 3300 Spiritual Formation

This course is a study of the theology, processes and practices of the formation in the believer of the character of Christ by the ministry of the Spirit for the sake of others. Attention is given to the practices of personal and corporate spiritual disciplines.