Reserve Officer Training Corps - Military Science Department (Army ROTC)

Requirements for Admission

**Effective January 1, 2020, ROTC/Military Science students will not be able to waive the Exercise Activity courses required in the academic core curriculum.**


Basic Course: All courses offered as part of the basic course are eligible for elective credit toward graduation. Course work covers the areas of leadership development, time management, planning, fitness, life skills, self confidence, and Army values. No military service obligation is incurred for students enrolled in the basic course.

Advanced Course: The two-year advanced course is selective and elective, in that any qualified students may apply for admission. The application requires the approval of the Professor of Military Science. Students, who have at least two years of college remaining, maintain a 2.0 or better grade point average, complete the basic course or qualify by prior military training, and are physically qualified, are eligible for enrollment in the advanced course. The advanced course leads to a commission as an officer in the United States Army Reserve, or Regular Army, or Army National Guard and is pursued under a written agreement with the Department of the Army. Advanced-course contract students are paid approximately $8,000 for the two-year course, which includes attendance at the ROTC Leader Development and Assessment Course.

Two-Year Program: Students transferring to or currently enrolled at University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, who cannot complete the basic course prior to becoming academic juniors or graduate students with at least two years remaining may qualify to enter the advanced course by successfully completing a four-week Leader's Training Course, conducted each summer at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Academic credit and pay are granted to students attending the course. Applications should be submitted to the Military Science Department by February 15.

Credit for Previous Military Training: Students with previous military training may qualify for placement directly into the advanced course. The Professor of Military Science determines the placement, which is acceptable to the Army, for each student requesting this classification. To receive placement into the advanced course, a student must have 60 credit hours and an overall 2.0 GPA.

Special Programs

U.S. Army ROTC Leader’s Training Course: Maximum of twelve credit hours. The ROTC Leader’s Training Course is a four-week summer course conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky, for students who cannot complete the Basic Course prior to becoming academic juniors. In addition to free room, board, and transportation, students are paid approximately $800. Training includes practical exercises to enhance confidence, physical fitness, and leadership qualities. Prerequisite: Approval of department head.

Ranger Challenge: An adventure-oriented event designed to develop leadership qualities, self discipline, self confidence, and resourcefulness through small unit tactics and inter-collegiate military skills competition. Members participate in several field training exercises during the semester. Open to all interested and qualified students with at least a 2.0 GPA.

Adventure Training: Is available to students who apply to attend Northern Operation Training (Alaska), Airborne-Parachutist Training (Georgia), Air Assault Training (Kentucky), Nurse Summer Training Program, Cadet Troop Leader Training Program (positions world-wide).

ROTC Scholarships: Competitive two, three and four-year scholarships, which pay all tuition, laboratory fees, textbooks, and other required academic expenses except room and board, are available. In addition, the scholarship holder receives a stipend of $300 to $500 per month during the academic year. Scholarship students must have and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA.

ROTC Leader Development and Assessment Course: Practical application of tactics, leadership training and practice, and arms qualification. Four weeks during the summer at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Prerequisite: M S 301 and 302 or approval of department head.