ILC 496 Immersion School Practicum

Course provides students an opportunity to improve their target language learning and use by assisting teachers in language immersion programs in Portland-area schools at pre-K and elementary levels. Work includes interacting with children in target language of study, supporting teachers with transitions, and potentially leading small or whole-class groups. In on-campus classes, students learn about language-learning strategies.


ILC 497 Tutor Training Internship

Language tutor internships are available for qualified students (3.0 GPA; 3.25 GPA in the target ILC language, or by permission of instructor). Internships provide job experience pertinent to the study of the target ILC language and may lead to ITTPC Level 1 tutor certification. The language tutor internship may be taken for one credit hour. Students may receive an IP (In Progress) grade until the completion of their internship.