Cafeteria Expenses

At registration, students living in residence halls are able to select from the following buffet-style, all-you-can-eat meal plans:

Meal Plan Meals Per Week Cost Per Quarter
Platinum  19 $1,584
Platinum Flex  15+ $160 Flex per qtr. $1,584
Gold  15 $1,472
Gold Flex  12 + $110 Flex per qtr. $1,472
Silver  10 $1,250
Silver Flex   8+ $85 Flex per qtr. $1,250

The Gold Flex Plan is the default meal plan, students may change their meal plan within the first 10 days of a quarter. Meals do not carry over from week to week. Meal plan weekly, reset is on each Friday morning prior to breakfast. 

Flex dollars work like a pre-paid debit card and are extra dollars that can be used throughout the quarter in the cafeteria or Student Association Center (SAC). A student can also save them up just in case they run out of meals in their selected Plan. The SAC takes either cash or Flex dollars. Flex dollars do carry over from week to week, but not from one quarter to another. Should a student use all their Flex dollars, they are able to charge meal purchases to their student account.

Student can only use one of their meals at each meal time. Additional meals at the same meal time are counted as guests.

Village students may select a meal plan or pay for purchases with their ID card, cash, or a credit card.