Ways of Knowing and Engaging (10)

Courses in this section impart a broad knowledge of the arts and sciences through the traditional liberal arts disciplines, and allow students to explore various cultural themes and social issues in order to translate academic achievement into engaged citizenship.

Engaging the Arts

Choose at least one course from either of the following categories (See General Studies section of the bulletin).

Section II: Ways of Knowing – Humanities

Section III: Ways of Engaging – Engaging the Arts

Engaging History & Philosophy

Choose at least one course from either of the following categories (see General Studies section of the bulletin).

Section II: Ways of Knowing – History
Section III: Ways of Engaging – Engaging History & Philosophy

Engaging Society

Choose at least one course from either of the following categories (see General Studies section of the bulletin).

Section II: Ways of Knowing – Social Science

Section III: Ways of Engaging – Engaging Society

or ENVI 385: Environmental Stewardship

or MGMT 371: Principles of Management