Online Division Scholarships and Grants

WCU SEIU Grant:  WCU has established an SEIU Grant to promote online higher education to the members of the Service Employees International Union.  Grant amounts vary but will not exceed 20% of tuition charges each term*.  To be eligible for the SEIU Grant, a candidate must enroll in a West Coast University online undergraduate degree program.  The candidate must meet WCU's admissions requirements, be admitted to the university, complete the SEIU attestation confirming current SEIU membership, and allow for verification of eligibility.  Verification of eligibility may require the student to submit documentation of current member status with the SEIU.  The WCU SEIU Grant may not be combined with any other WCU scholarships or grants.  *Grant amount will not exceed 5% for students who qualify for military tuition rates.  SEIU Grants will be renewed each academic year if there has been no break in enrollment in the past academic year.  For purposes of this grant, a break in enrollment is defined as a student withdrawal from the program, or an extension of an approved Leave of Absence return date.  


WCU Health Services Partner Grant:  WCU has established a Health Services Partner Grant in order to promote online higher education to the employees of selected Health Services Partners who are charged non-military tuition rates.  Grant amounts vary but will not exceed 10% of tuition charges each term* for students enrolling on an individual basis; and will not exceed 15%* if three or more students from the same Health Services Partner enroll together for the same start term.  To establish eligibility for an initial offer, a candidate must meet all of WCU's admissions requirements, be admitted to the university, identify their Health Services Partner affiliation when completing the online application for admission, and allow for verification of eligibility.  Verification of eligibility may require the student to submit documentation of proof of employment by the Health Services Partner, active CCNA membership documentation, or community college graduation.  A current list of eligible Health Services Partners is available in the Admissions Office.  The Health Services Partner Grant will be automatically renewed each academic year unless the recipient withdrew or extended an approved Leave of Absence in the prior academic year.  

The WCU Health Services Partner Grant may not be combined with any other WCU scholarships or grants except for the WCU Alumni Pathway Grant.  Students employed by a Health Services Partner may qualify for either the Health Services Partner Grant, or the military tuition rates, but not both.  There is no cash value to the grant.  Students who withdraw prior to the end of a trimester will have their grant reduced proportionately to the percent of tuition earned.  

*Will not exceed 5% of tuition charges for students who qualify for military tuition rates, or students who also qualify for an Alumni Pathway Grant.  If a new student entering as part of a group of three or more from the same Health Services Partner also qualifies for a WCU Alumni Pathway Grant, the combined grant percentage for the two grants will not exceed 25% for the individual student. 


Alumni Pathway Grant:  The Alumni Pathway Grant is available to American Career College or West Coast University alumni who enroll in online programs.  West Coast University has established an Alumni Pathway Grant in order to promote online higher education to the alumni of West Coast University or American Career College. Grant amounts will vary but will not exceed 20% of tuition charges each term.*  To establish eligibility for an initial Alumni Pathway Grant, a candidate must meet all of WCU's admissions requirements, be admitted to the university for enrollment in a degree program, and have graduated from a degree or VN program at either American Career College or West Coast University.  The Alumni Pathway Grant will automatically be renewed each academic year unless the recipient withdrew or extended an approved Leave of Absence in the prior academic year.  Please contact the WCU Financial Aid department for additional information.  

The Alumni Pathway Grant may not be combined with any other WCU scholarships or grants except for the WCU Health Services Partner Grant (see above).  There is no cash value to the grant.  Students who withdraw prior to the end of a trimester will have their grant reduced proportionately to the percent of tuition earned.  


WCU Nursing Partner Scholarship:  WCU provides a limited number of full scholarships to employees of WCU's premier Nursing Partners.  Nursing Partner Scholarship awardees are selected by the individual Nursing Partner.  Students must meet all WCU admissions requirements and be admitted to the University.  A list of participating Nursing Partners is available in the Admissions Office.  Continued employment by the Nursing Partner is required for renewal of the scholarship each academic year.  There is no cash value to the scholarship.  Students who withdraw prior to the end of a trimester will forfeit any unused scholarship funds.  


WCU Performance *  The WCU Performance Scholarship is a merit-based program available for students enrolled in a WCU online degree program.  To qualify for the scholarship, students mus meet all program admissions requirements (conditionally admitted are excluded) and have a minimum CGPA for all coursework attempted at other institutions prior to the enrollment at West Coast University of 3.0 if enrolling in a WCU undergraduate program, or 3.25 if enrolling in a WCU graduate program.  

The applicant's CGPA must be documented by submission of all academic transcripts to  WCU before the start of the first term of study.  For purposes of this scholarship, initial determination of eligibility may be based on unofficial transcripts, pending verification of official transcripts.  Official transcripts must be received before the end of the first term of study or the scholarship will be forfeited.  

If the applicant has attempted less than 18 semester hours of study at a postsecondary institution, the scholarship eligibility will be evaluated based on the applicant's high school CGPA.  If the applicant has attempted 18 or more semester hours of study, the evaluation will instead be based on the CGPA for all prior postsecondary institutions.  

Scholarships for approved applicants may be offered as a 15% reduction of tuition for the program incurred for each academic year.  This scholarship may not be combined with any other WCU scholarship or grant.  

*Students qualifying for military tuition rates are not eligible for the Performance Scholarship.