GI-10. Lab Rules

Safety Guidelines: Students are expected to adhere to all safety guidelines in the use of the Physical Therapy Laboratories.

  1. Universal precautions and infection control practices must be used when indicated.
  2. Students are responsible for following established protocols for use of all laboratory equipment and therapeutic procedures.
  3. Students are responsible for maintaining their own safety and the safety of others in all laboratory activities.
  4. Students are responsible for using appropriate body mechanics at all times
  5. Students are responsible for identifying new or continuing conditions, for which precautions or contraindications should be considered, and for developing appropriate adaptations or requesting necessary accommodations.
  6. Students may use equipment in the laboratories or PT Center outside of class times for purposes of skills practice only.
    1. Students must use the lab equipment with at least one other IHP PT student in the lab with them for safety reasons.
    2. Physical agent equipment may ONLY be used in the presence of a licensed physical therapist who is a faculty member.
    3. Equipment is not for personal use at any time.
  7. Students should report any lab equipment requiring repair to their course Faculty or the PT Program Coordinator.


Cleanliness and Organization: Students are responsible for maintaining cleanliness and organization in classrooms and laboratories at all times including class sessions, open labs, and independent study. Each time the lab is used, students must:

  1. Keep shoes off mat tables.
  2. Return all mat tables, chairs, and stools to their designated locations.
  3. Wipe down treatment tables with appropriate cleaning solution provided in each lab.
  4. Place all used (i.e. dirty) linen in the solid linen bags.
    1. When soiled linen bags are full they should be moved to the soiled linen closet in the hallway between 220 and 240, and a new bag should be placed in the holder.
  5. Return all equipment to designated places.
  6. Wipe down all white boards.
  7. Discard all food and drink brought into the lab in appropriate containers.
  8. Log-off the lab computer, and shut down the projector system if used.