GI-3. Academic Support Services

The Institute offers a variety of academic support services that are designed to help all students. Students are encouraged to take advantage of these services for personal or academic needs. Detailed information on student services can be found on the IHP Website under the Current Students tab.

Information about the Academic Support Counselor for the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences can be found on the IHP Website.

The PT Department also has additional academic supports:

1. Course Review Sessions: Available during core didactic courses led by individuals who have previously taken the course. This is available to all students at no cost to the students.

2. Supplemental Instruction

Students with a cumulative GPA less than a 3.3, who have been identified by course faculty as at risk for not successfully completing a course, or who are on academic probation are eligible for small group supplemental instruction.  Each semester, all students’ GPAs will be reviewed, and those students identified as meeting the criteria for supplemental instruction will be offered the opportunity to participate in small group supplemental instruction.  Small group supplemental instruction will be offered as weekly sessions lasting approximately 2 hours for a group of approximately 3-5 students. Timing of the instruction will be negotiated between the student group and their assigned tutor. 


The success of supplemental instruction is the responsibility of all group participants. Responsibilities of students enrolled in small group supplemental instruction sessions include:

  • attend scheduled sessions and notify instructor & small group tutoring coordinator in the event of an absence
  • prepare questions and topics for discussion prior to each session
  • maintain confidentiality of student group
  • provide feedback on tutoring experience

3. Referral to Private Individual tutoring: Available to all interested students. Faculty may help to identify appropriate tutors. Students who feel that they may benefit from tutoring should speak with their course faculty, academic advisor, or clinical advisor. Fee schedule, schedule, and payment structure are independent of the program and determined by private individual tutor and student.

4. Supplemental Instruction Independent Study: 1 credit course. Student responsible for tuition. Required for students not meeting “good standing” requirement #5 (AP-11 Academic Progression) having a written average of less than 73%. Recommended if student on academic probation.