Transfer Credits

Prelicensure Programs:

  • Clinical courses may not be transferred.
  • Students with a final course grade of 69.5% -76.4% in either Pathophysiology or Pharmacology may retake the course outside of the School of Nursing with permission of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. The re-take of either course will replace the IHP grade
  • A maximum transfer of three credit hours is permitted. Students with a final course grade below 69.5% in either Pathophysiology or Pharmacology must be retaken within the IHP School of Nursing.
  • If a student fails a re-take of either Pathophysiology or Pharmacology (grade < 77%) the progression policy will apply, and the student will be dismissed from the program.

Advanced Practice and Post Baccalaureate Masters Programs:

  • A maximum of nine (9) credit hours may be transferred from another school for credit toward the degree. These must be graduate credits not utilized from a previously completed degree.
  • No transfer credit will be allowed from institutions or programs that lack appropriate accreditation or for courses for which the student received a grade of less than a B- (80%). For transfer credits to be allowed, they must have been acquired within 7 years prior to matriculating at the Institute.

Approval Procedure:

Students may take approved courses at other colleges and universities, using the following procedure:

  • The student completes a petition for Course Replacement Form
  • The Assistant Dean of Master Programs determines if the course meets requirements for transfer credit and approves or denies the request. The Assistant Dean then notifies the Office of the Registrar. No transfer credits are accepted for the prelicensure courses. No transfer credits are accepted for prelicensure courses. A maximum of nine (9) credit hours may be transferred from another school for credit toward the master’s degree. These must be graduate credits not utilized from a previously completed degree. No transfer credit will be allowed from institutions or programs that lack appropriate accreditation or for courses for which the student received a grade of less than a B-. 
  • If the course is approved as a repeated course due to failure, the deadline will be determined by the Assistant Dean.  If the repeated course is not completed or the student does not achieve a B-, it will require a review of progression or dismissal.  

DNP Program

  • The DNP program does not accept transfer credits.

[Revised November 2023]