2017-2018 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog / Course Descriptions / LAH - Philosophy / 100
Topics of study include: the nature of philosophy and philosophizing as a human function, how humans form questions and answers concerning the nature of existence, knowledge and values, how vocational philosophers (past and present) offer stimulus and resources for this function. 5 quarter hours Counts in the Humanities Area of General Education Requirements.
This course is an introduction to logic and effective thinking. Logic is the study of the principles of correct reasoning or the study of arguments. "Arguments" means giving reasons to support a conclusion or belief one holds (and perhaps wants to convince others to hold as well). Effective thinking in this course means logical thinking. Thinking will be studied in a systematic way to evaluate whether the reasons given are good reasons or not. Critical thinking will be applied to arguments encountered every day in news stories, editorials, political speeches, etc. to determine if the arguments meet the requirements of logic. Pre-requisite(s): Enrollment in the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree program. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours