Grade Appeal Process

Academic Appeals

  1. Grade Grievance Procedure: A student who disputes a final grade assigned by a faculty member has ten (10) working days from the time of grade assignment to initiate a grievance. After the 10 day period, the student loses the right to file a grievance. See Student Grade Grievance Procedure located in the Student Handbook and no other administrative remedy or campus option is available.
  2. Graduation Policy Exception: A student who wishes an exception to an existing graduation policy may appeal to the Student Academic Appeals Committee. 
  3. Reinstatement in Class: A student who has been withdrawn for excessive absences may request consideration for reinstatement by discussion with the faculty member. If the faculty member does not permit continued enrollment, the student may appeal to the Student Academic Appeals Committee.
  4. Late Withdrawal: A student who wishes to withdraw from a class after the established withdrawal deadline may petition the Student Academic Appeals Committee.
  5. Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal: A student who has been placed on academic suspension or who has been dismissed for academic reasons may petition for continued enrollment to the Student Academic Appeals Committee.

Student Grade Grievance Procedure

In order to institute this grade grievance procedure, the student will be prepared to show that course or grade requirements were not clearly explained in the section syllabus, requirements were not uniformly applied, requirements were changed without sufficient notice or for capricious reasons, the faculty member’s data was not accurate, the final course grade could not be reasonably derived from data given, and/or prejudice affected assignment of the grade.

The outcome of the process may be that the assigned grade will stand, assignment of the grade will be postponed until some agreed upon work has been completed, another grade will be substituted for the one originally assigned, or a compromise fitting the specific situation is reached.

In the event that the faculty member who assigned the grade is no longer employed by the College (due to resignation, retirement, or death), a faculty member from the same program or discipline will serve in the stead of the original faculty member. This substitute faculty member will be selected by a vote of the faculty members and the department head in the affected department or discipline.

In the event that the faculty member who assigned the grade will be returning to his or her position at the College but is temporarily away for longer than 10 days, the faculty member will be notified by his or her department head of the impending action. Unless the faculty member agrees to be available to meet earlier or has an alternate solution, the time lines below shall be amended so that the initial 10 days specified in Step One will not begin until the faculty member returns from the temporary absence. If, however, the Step Two deadline would be delayed longer than thirty (30) calendar days, another full-time faculty member or administrator shall be designated to substitute. If the faculty member is unable to identify a substitute who is willing and able to fill this role, the department head shall serve as the substitute. For extenuating circumstances where the student cannot meet the 10 day deadline, the student should contact the appropriate academic Department Head or Dean for an extension of time. The student should be prepared to present appropriate documentation to explain the need for the extension.

Informal Process

  1. Within ten (10) working days of when the student’s final grade is posted on the Pensacola State College Student Information System, the student shall meet with the faculty member and present data to support his or her assertion.
  2. Within ten (10) working days, the faculty member must give fair hearing to the student’s claim and consider the data in an attempt to resolve the issue. In the event that the resolution is not satisfactory to the student, the student may proceed to Step Three.
  3. The student may meet with the department head and present data to support his or her assertion in the dispute. The department head must then meet and discuss the dispute with the faculty member. The department head must then attempt to resolve the dispute within ten (10) working days. In the event that the resolution is not satisfactory to the student, the student may proceed to Step Four.
  4. The student may meet with the appropriate dean and present data to support his or her assertion in the dispute. The dean must then meet and discuss the dispute with the faculty member and department head. The dean must then attempt to resolve the dispute within ten (10) working days. In the event that the resolution is not satisfactory to the student, the student may proceed to the Formal Student Grievance Process.

Formal Process

Within ten (10) working days of when the student is notified of the dean’s response, the student may begin the formal grievance process by outlining the grievance in writing and presenting the petition to the dean. A one-time panel will be assembled including three (3) students and three (3) faculty members, none of whom shall have any direct connection with the parties involved. At least one of the student members and at least one of the faculty members must be from a related discipline in which the grade is being disputed. In the event that there is no related discipline, at least one student member and at least one faculty member shall possess demonstrated knowledge of or experience with the discipline area involved in the grade dispute. A Chair for the panel will be selected by the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs. Following the hearing, the Chair will submit the panel’s recommendation to the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, for a final decision.

Formal Student Grievance Procedure

The purpose of the formal student grievance procedure is to provide a means to mediate a fair and equitable solution to any complaint other than grades, and discrimination or harassment that a student may have with a College employee, office, or policy. The first process to resolve student grievances should be an informal resolution of complaints with the individual(s) involved when possible.

If a student wishes to submit a formal student grievance, the appropriate form located on the forms page of the Pensacola State College website at should be completed. The form should be submitted to the appropriate office for review. Academic complaints, other than grade grievances, should be submitted to the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs. Complaints related to disability services, public safety, or the help desk should be submitted to the Vice President, Administrative Services and General Counsel. Financial complaints, including financial aid issues, should be submitted to the Vice President, Business Affairs. Complaints involving enrollment, registration, advising, and other student related services should be submitted to the Dean, Student Services.

Once the Formal Student Grievance Form has been submitted to the appropriate office, the complaint will be investigated. Any student who submits a Formal Student Grievance Form will be notified of the resolution. Every effort will be made to resolve the complaint within fourteen (14) business days, however, time may be extended by mutual consent of the parties concerned.

Distance Education students, who have completed the internal institutional grievance process and the applicable state grievance process, may appeal non-instructional complaints to the FL-SARA PRDEC Council. For additional information on the complaint process, please visit the FL-SARA Complaint Process page:
