PSY 310 Behavioral Neuroscience

Structure and function of the nervous system, with implications for both normal and abnormal development and behavior. How the function of the brain is related to behavior.



PSY 101

PSY 315 Evolutionary Psychology

In this course we will examine the evolutionary basis of human behavior and cognition. The ways in which natural and sexual selection have shaped human nature will be explored. Selected topics include evolutionary explanations of human mating systems, jealousy, interpersonal and sexual attraction, warfare, sexual orientation, and cognition. A special emphasis will be placed on exploring the evolutionary basis of male-female differences.



PSY 101

PSY 320 Psychology of Learning

A systematic study of the learning process emphasizing topical, research, and theoretical orientations. Topics covered include major theories of learning and memory, Pavlovian conditioning, appetitive and aversive conditioning, biological influences on learning, stimulus and cognitive control of behavior, and memory processes: storage, encoding, retrieval, and forgetting.



PSY 101, PSY 214 or permission of instructor.

PSY 330 Cognition

Examines the higher mental processes of attention, learning, memory, language, concept formation, problem solving, and reasoning. Students will participate in simulations of classic experiments in cognitive psychology.



PSY 101, PSY 214 or permission of instructor.

PSY 340 Sensation and Perception

Experimental study of sensation and perception emphasizing human visual and auditory processes and the methods of experimental psychology. The student will gain laboratory experience by participating in experiments and by designing, carrying out, and writing up an original study.



PSY 101, PSY 214 or permission of instructor.

PSY 350 Social Psychology

Psychological behavior of an individual as a member of a group; the influence of culture and society on attitudes, personality, and behavior; the dynamics of group interaction.



PSY 101

Cross Listed Courses

SOC 350

PSY 355 Gendered Perspectives on the Body and Human Sexuality

This course explores perspectives on human sexuality, body image, body change (e.g., disability, illness, aging), and body variations. Students explore the social construction of gender, body image, and sexuality and the consequences that differing meanings of "body" and "sex" can have on individuals in our society.



PSY 101 or SOC 101

Cross Listed Courses

SW 355, SOC 355

PSY 360 Life Span Development

Examines psychosocial aspects of human development from birth through death. Focuses on major psychological, social, and cognitive topics as relevant to the stages of the life span.



PSY 101

PSY 365 Moral Development

Focuses on issues related to moral development. Using the writing of various psychologists, novelists, and philosophers, this course will address such issues as moral reasoning, meaning, and purpose.



PSY 101

PSY 370 Personality

Examines diverse perspectives on human personality. The focus is on asking what we know when we know a person. This involves analyzing basic assumptions, postulates, and research related to major personality theories including: trait, psychoanalytic, humanistic, cultural, biological, and cognitive.



PSY 101

PSY 375 The Self

This course will examine the social self; competing needs for uniqueness and similarity; the meaning of self-identity and self-concept; individual coping strategies; attributional analyses; social influence and defining gender.



PSY 101

PSY 380 Abnormal Psychology

Examination of problem behavior, its causes, its treatment, and its social and legal ramifications. Emphasis is given to personal and societal understanding of abnormality as well as to psychological and medical considerations.



PSY 101

PSY 391 Seminar

Credit arranged.


PSY 392 Seminar

Credit arranged.
