Labor Pool

Labor departments occasionally have short-term production or service needs that cannot be met by regular staff. For those instances, supervisors can hire students for one-time use for up to ten (10) hours through a designation called “labor pool.” This designation allows a student to continue his or her regular labor position without interruption while pursuing extra hours for a short period of time in another department. The Labor Program and Student Payments Office can assist in identifying students, which are paid out of the department’s regular budget at the labor pool rate. A status form is not required, and labor pool hours are reported by the supervising department as "unrecorded time" using the form found at

Departments are encouraged to collaborate less formally by sharing students with similar skills to allow for times when one department is busy and one is not. This type of work-sharing does not require additional paperwork, and hours should be reported as part of the student’s usual primary assignment.