Discrimination Complaint Procedures

The following procedures are adopted to process complaints alleging violations of the college’s policies on Non-discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity, Equal Education Opportunity, Affirmative Action or Sexual Harassment, and will be in addition to any complaint or charges an employee, applicant or student files with state or federal agencies. These procedures apply to all complaints of discrimination or harassment made against either an employee or a student. Howard Community College will conduct its own investigation and will respond to the complaint, regardless of the reporting party.

Any student who alleges a violation of the college policy on Non-discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity, Equal Educational Opportunity, Affirmative Action or Sexual Harassment should file a complaint with the vice president of student services. In cases where a complaint has been made against a student, the vice president of student services or designee will initiate the fact-finding process, which will be in accordance with the student judicial process, as defined in the student code of conduct. The decision of the vice president of student services is final.

All parties and staff will keep the complaint, fact-finding process and conferences or hearings confidential, except to the extent that it is necessary to investigate and process the complaint. Furthermore, all student records and access to student records will comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

Persons filing complaints of harassment or discrimination will be protected against reprisals by actions that are appropriate to the circumstances. Those persons filing deliberate false complaints will be subject to disciplinary action.

Substantiated complaints of violation of the above referred to policies may subject the offending party to disciplinary action.