Drugs and Alcohol On Campus

The board of trustees of Howard Community College directs the college to provide a drug-free, healthy, safe and secure educational environment. Employees are expected and required to be in appropriate mental and physical condition for work. Students are expected to contribute to the desired environment by conducting themselves within the guidelines of the student code of conduct.

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, possession, or use of illicit drugs and the illegal use of alcohol on campus or as a part of any Howard Community College activity whether on or off college premises is prohibited, in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws. Violations of this policy by employees or students will result in disciplinary action consistent with college policies and procedures. In addition, any violations may have legal consequences consistent with federal, state, and local law. The college will cooperate with appropriate health and law enforcement agencies.

The college recognizes drug or alcohol abuse as an illness and major health problem as well as a potential safety and security issue. Students and employees who need help in dealing with such problems are encouraged to use community or campus assistance programs. Voluntary participation in an assistance program in and of itself will not jeopardize continued employment or enrollment at the college and will not be noted in the personnel or student record provided that job or classroom performance or behavior is consistent with established standards. However, voluntary participation in an assistance program will not prevent disciplinary action for violation of this policy, nor will it prevent corrective action for performance or behavior problems in the workplace or classroom before, during, or after participation in an assistance program.

Employees, as a condition of employment, must abide by the terms of this policy and report any crimes for which they have been convicted under a criminal drug statute for violations occurring on or off college premises. Reports of convictions must be made immediately to the employee’s supervisor.