Office Technology – Office Professional (OTOPO)
Award: Associate in applied science degree
Program location: Fort Omaha Campus, South Omaha Campus, Online
Office professionals are the core of most businesses. As businesses continue to expand and work with increasingly complex technology, the need for advanced training and professional certification becomes more important every day. This degree prepares students to keep the offices organized and running smoothly and work with much of the valuable data that companies need to flourish.
Graduation Requirements
General education
Major requirements
Option requirements
Total credit hours required
General education requirements (27.0 credit hrs.)
| English level I | 4.5 credits |
| English level II | 4.5 credits |
Humanities/social sciences
| Humanities/social sciences | 4.5 credits |
Quantitative/numeracy skills
or higher level MATH course
INFO 1001 | Information Systems and Literacy  | 4.5 credits |
HMRL 1010 | Human Relations Skills  | 4.5 credits |
| OR | |
RDLS 1200 | College Success Strategies | 4.5 credits |
Major requirements for Office Technology (54.0 credit hrs.)
INFO 1008 | Business Office Communications | 4.5 credits |
INFO 1012 | Electronic Filing and Calculating | 4.5 credits |
INFO 1013 | Keyboard Skillbuilding | 2.0 credits |
INFO 1211 | Microsoft Word | 4.5 credits |
INFO 1212 | Spreadsheets  | 4.5 credits |
INFO 1213 | Database Fundamentals | 4.5 credits |
INFO 1214 | Business Presentations and Publications | 4.5 credits |
INFO 1215 | Document Processing | 4.5 credits |
INFO 1219 | Professional Practices | 4.5 credits |
INFO 2242 | Business Office Collaboration Technology | 4.5 credits |
INFO 2260 | Workplace Technologies | 4.5 credits |
INFO 2948 | Office Professional Capstone | 5.0 credits |
INFO 2980 | Office Technology Practicum | 2.0 credits |
| OR | |
INFO 2981 | Internship | variable credits |
Option requirements for Office Technology – Office Professional (18.0 credit hrs.)
INFO 1010 | Customer Service Skills | 4.5 credits |
INFO 1317 | WordPress Office Professional | 4.5 credits |
Select two courses from the following:
BSAD 1000 | Introduction to Business | 4.5 credits |
BSAD 1250 | Introduction to Not-for-Profit Management | 4.5 credits |
HIMS 1111 | Healthcare Careers  | 4.5 credits |
HMRL 1050 | Leadership: Training and Skill Development | 4.5 credits |
The degree option is an area of interest within a program. Although students may complete single or multiple options within this program, only the major degree is awarded.
See Curriculum Plan