2017-2018 Catalog

Horticulture, Land Systems, and Management - Horticulture (HLHCE)

Award: Certificate of achievement

Pathway to associate degree:  Horticulture, Land Systems, and Management - Horticulture Management (HLMHO)

Program location: Fort Omaha Campus

This option is a certificate of achievement that provides students the opportunity to move quickly into the industry and begin working at an entry level.

For more information about educational cost, median loan debt, and other important information related to this program, please visit our website at mccneb.edu/Academics/Programs-of-Study/Culinary-Arts-Hospitality-and-Horticulture/Horticulture-Land-Systems-and-Management.aspx

Graduation Requirements

General education


Major requirements


Total credit hours required


General education requirements (13.5 credit hrs.)


English level I

4.5 credits

Quantitative/numeracy skills

MATH 1240Applied Mathematics

4.5 credits

Natural sciences

HLSM 2430Plant Physiology

4.5 credits

Major requirements for Horticulture (37.0 credit hrs.)

HLSM 1000Horticulture, Land Systems and Management Orientation

1.0 credit

HLSM 1010Introduction to Horticulture

6.0 credits

HLSM 1100Perennials: Culture and Identification

3.0 credits

HLSM 1110Turfgrass Management

3.0 credits

HLSM 1130Deciduous Trees: Culture and Identification

3.0 credits

HLSM 1400Natural Systems and Sustainability

3.0 credits

HLSM 2410Plant Propagation

3.0 credits

HLSM 2420Plant Pathology

3.0 credits

HLSM 2425Entomology

3.0 credits

HLSM 2510Olericulture

3.0 credits

HLSM 2610Floriculture Production

3.0 credits

HLSM 2910Internship

3.0 credits