2017-2018 Catalog

Landscape Design (HLLCC)

Award: Career certificate

Pathway to associate degree: Horticulture, Land Systems, and Management - Landscape Design (HLMLO)

Program location: Fort Omaha Campus

This career certificate prepares students to enter into the landscape maintenance and entry-level design career field.

For more information about educational cost, median loan debt, and other important information related to this program, please visit our website atmccneb.edu/Academics/Programs-of-Study/Culinary-Arts-Hospitality-and-Horticulture/Horticulture-Land-Systems-and-Management.aspx.

Requirements for Landscape Design career certificate (32.0 credit hrs.)

HLSM 1000Horticulture, Land Systems and Management Orientation

1.0 credit

HLSM 1010Introduction to Horticulture

6.0 credits

HLSM 1050Introduction to Landscape Design

3.0 credits

HLSM 1100Perennials: Culture and Identification

3.0 credits

HLSM 1130Deciduous Trees: Culture and Identification

3.0 credits

HLSM 1150Shrubs: Culture and Identification

3.0 credits

HLSM 1320Landscape Graphics: 2-D

2.0 credits

HLSM 1325Landscape Graphics - 3-D

2.0 credits

HLSM 1340Construction Documents and Details

3.0 credits

HLSM 2300Landscape Design I

3.0 credits

HLSM 2305Landscape Design II

3.0 credits