Hospitality and Restaurant Leadership - Food and Event Management (CHFA1)
Award: Associate in applied science degree
Program location: Fort Omaha Campus
This degree option prepares students to become leaders in the careers of restaurant manager, event coordinator, hospitality consultant, beverage director, or many other varied careers.
Graduation Requirements
General education
Major requirements
Option requirements
Total credit hours required
General education requirements (27.0 credit hrs.)
| English level I | 4.5 credits |
| English level II | 4.5 credits |
Humanities/social sciences
| Humanities/social sciences | 4.5 credits |
Quantitative/numeracy skills
MATH 1242 | Applied Math for the Hospitality Industry | 4.5 credits |
Students planning to transfer should also take MATH 1310 and have that class count toward electives under any of the option requirements.
Major requirements for Hospitality and Restaurant Leadership (48.0 credit hrs.)
Critical advising note: Students entering the hospitality program who have been assessed at college-level in all areas and/or completed developmental courses should register for
CHRM 1000,
CHRM 1020,
CHRM 1030 and
MATH 1242 in their first quarter. Approved uniform, supplies, and text are required by the first day of
CHRM 1030.
Option requirements for Hospitality and Restaurant Leadership - Food and Event Management (22.0-28.0 credit hrs.)
Electives - select a total of 3.0 to 9.0 credit hours from the following:
BSAD | Course of choice | |
CHRM | Course of choice | |
ENTR | Course of choice | |
HLSM | Course of choice | |
MATH 1310 | Intermediate Algebra | 4.5 credits |
NOTE: Taking over the maximum number of elective hours for your degree option may have financial aid ramifications. Please see your academic advisor for direction.
See Curriculum Plan