2017-2018 Catalog

Process Operations Technology – Bio-Processing (PRBPO)

Award: Associate in applied science degree

Program location: South Omaha Campus

Bio-technology generally involves the use of live cells and their molecules to produce useful products. The ethanol and bio-diesel industries are examples where bio-technology is used in the production process. This degree option provides entry-level training in maintaining, monitoring, and controlling equipment and processes used in bio-processing industries.

Graduation Requirements

General education


Major requirements


Option requirements


Total credit hours required


General education requirements (27.0 credit hrs.)


ENGL 1220Technical WritingThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

ENGL 1240Oral and Written ReportsThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

Humanities/social sciences

Humanities/social sciences

4.5 credits

Quantitative/numeracy skills

MATH 1240Applied Mathematics

4.5 credits


INFO 1001Information Systems and LiteracyThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

HMRL 1010Human Relations SkillsThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits


RDLS 1200College Success StrategiesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

Major requirements for Process Operations Technology (38.0 credit hrs.)

PROT 1010Safety Topics for Process and Power Operations

variable credits


INCT 1000Industrial Safety and Health

4.5 credits

PROT 1100Process Instrumentation and Control

4.5 credits

PROT 1302Stationary Engineering I

3.0 credits

PROT 2302Stationary Engineering II

4.0 credits

PROT 1110Reading and Understanding Process Diagrams

2.0 credits

INCT 2050Problem-Solving

3.0 credits

INCT 2060Mechanical Power Systems

4.0 credits

INCT 2070Hydraulics and Pneumatics

4.0 credits

PHYS 1010Applied Physics

4.5 credits

PHYS 1010LApplied Physics Lab

0.0 credits

WORK 1401Employability Skills for Process, Power, and Energy-Related Fields

4.5 credits


PROT 2981PROT Internship

4.5 credits

Option requirements for Process Operations Technology – Bio-Processing (35.0 credit hrs.)

PROT 1250Basic Electricity for Power and Process

6.0 credits

BIOS 1500Introduction to Bioprocessing

4.5 credits

BIOS 1500LIntroduction to Bioprocessing Lab

0.0 credits

MATH 1310Intermediate AlgebraThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

CHEM 1510Chemistry for Bioindustry I

3.0 credits

CHEM 1510LChemistry for Bioindustry I Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 1520Chemistry for Bioindustry II

3.0 credits

CHEM 1520LChemistry for Bioindustry II Lab

0.0 credits

PROT 2210Ethanol Process Fundamentals

3.5 credits

PROT 2200Dynamics of Process Control

4.5 credits

Select one of the following groups:

CHEM 1210General Chemistry: Part I

2.0 credits

CHEM 1210LGeneral Chemistry: Part I Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 1211General Chemistry: Part II

4.0 credits

CHEM 1211LGeneral Chemistry: Part II Lab

0.0 credits


CHEM 1212General Chemistry I: Accelerated

6.0 credits

CHEM 1212LGeneral Chemistry I: Accelerated Lab

0.0 credits



The degree option is an area of interest within a program. Although students may complete single or multiple options within this program, only the major degree is awarded.