2017-2018 Catalog

General Studies (GSAAS)

Award: Associate in applied science degree

Program location: Elkhorn Valley Campus, Fort Omaha Campus, South Omaha Campus

This degree focuses on career areas as well as general education. It offers students an associate degree program that allows some latitude in selection of courses in areas of interest. Students should work with an advisor or counselor in planning the coursework for this degree.

Graduation Requirements

General education


Major requirements




Total credit hours required


General education requirements (42.0 - 43.5 credit hrs.)

Students should be aware that additional college-level courses are required for most four-year programs. To satisfy general education requirements for most four-year degrees, select from the transfer options.


ENGL 1010English Composition IThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

ENGL 1020English Composition IIThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

SPCH 1110Public SpeakingThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

Social sciences

Social sciences

4.5 credits

Quantitative/numeracy skills

Mathematics or Financial Literacy

4.5 credits

Natural sciences

Natural sciences

6.0-7.5 credits



4.5 credits


INFO 1001Information Systems and LiteracyThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

HMRL 1010Human Relations SkillsThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits


RDLS 1200College Success StrategiesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

Major requirements for General Studies (36.0 credit hrs.)

Complete a minimum of 36.0 credit hours of courses, selecting from a maximum of two prefixes.  Students with specific areas of interest are able to combine course prefixes to meet these requirements.  See section on areas of interest for major requirements (below).       

Electives for General Studies (18.0 credit hrs.)

Select 18.0 credit hours.

Areas of interest for major requirements

Students can tailor a specific interest into an associate degree program by combining course prefixes to meet their General Studies major requirements.  Listed below are the areas of interest and the acceptable course prefixes that can be considered as a single prefix:


For students interested in global/cultural, any combination of the following prefixes is considered as a single prefix:  GEOG, HIST, HUMS, PHIL, POLS, and SOCI. 


For students interested in management, any combination of the following prefixes is considered as a single prefix: ACCT, BSAD, ECON, ENTR, FINA, INSU, and REES.


For students interested in science/health, any combination of the following prefixes is considered as a single prefix: BIOS, CHEM, HLTH, PHYS, SCIE, EMSP, MDST, and FIST.

Visual arts:

For students interested in visual arts, any combination of the following prefixes is considered as a single prefix: ARTS, DIMA, PHOT, and VACA.

General Studies: Associate-to-Bachelor Agreements

General studies degree transfer agreements have been developed with certain four-year institutions. 

Visit www.mccneb.edu/articulation for complete transfer course listings and requirements.